Dear friend,
I don't know why you're pulling away, I don't know why you suddenly seem to like me less [as a friend] than before. I haven't changed, I'm not any different than when you liked my company. Because of that I don't know what, if anything, I can do to try to maintain this friendship. You said you were 'legitimately busy' the time I asked - which is fine. But...that doesn't explain why suddenly seem to have lost interest when we talk, or why you always seem...well. Bored with whatever we do.
Honestly, it seems like you're doing this more out of some weird sense of duty, and not because you actually want too...Which hurts. I'd rather you just tell me to go away, instead of dragging it on. I'm even good at disappearing if I know that's what I need to do, so you really wouldn't hear from me again, unless it's from a third party - and even then, I'm usually pretty good at keeping people from talking about me to someone if I know it's for the best.
I mostly just want this...weird ass limbo to end. I want the mixed 'go away, come back' signals to end, and I want to stop hurting because of this. I won't do it if you keep telling me you want me around - I consider you a close friend the same time? That doesn't mean that I won't be upset, or hurt and that I won't react on those emotions either.
-sighs- More platonic love than is good for me,