right so, i totally started updating without looking to see is smelly alyssa was.
i was at community service today and there was this guy and he looked EXACTLY like
from rocky VI. only he had dark brown hair... omg, fucking scary. he had these soulless eyes and he walked funny, like with his hips before the rest of his body (i can totally show you if you ask). he stared at me for like 15 minutes before the supervisor took him somewhere else. ALSO, it's really boring (community service that is) sooo i've taken to making up really ridiculous lies about myself to tell the people i'm working with (for example, "that bruise is from my abusive husband" and "i was gone all week because i was in japan visiting my sick uncle... he's not really my uncle i was adopted by a nice Japanese couple who decided they wanted a white baby. i turned out to be a bad seed."). so fun.
in other news my cell phone is back on.