Title: Valentine's Day Special at the Hyperion
angryscientistRating: PG-13
Genre: humor
Prompts Used: "A lucky sock, a contest, a nude photo/drawing", a prompt by
damnskippytoo. Thank you for the prompt, it was my first choice and I adore it, working on this was one of the most joyful things in months ♥
Summary: What the prompt words say :)
Link at Stranger Things?
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Comments 16
Great job and thanks for picking my prompt!
Cordy does look YOWZA if I say so myself. These are the hottest bewbs I have ever drawn *happysigh*
Would you mind I friend you here too, obviously I'm chorelle from tumblr!
No problemo, will friend you right back :D
I'm just putting the finishing touches on my fanfic for the VD prompt-a-thon, which I'm scared as hell about posting, but what are you going to do! And thanks about the friending, I just love my friends page to be ver C/A friendly!
Good luck with your fic! So much fic for this ficathon! *squee*
...and I'm particularly impressed with how Cordy's cleavage turned out, I love the strap falling off her shoulder, so sexy~ :3
Thank you for the feedback <3
I finally have some time this am to go through all the entries and this is the first one I saw and Just WHEW.
You have some serious talent, my friend.
P.S.... JUST so you know... my last heniously late prompt is yours and I am gonna do my damndest to get it up by tomorrow night at the latest, OK? Pinky swears-ish.
*hugs and more SQUEEEEE*
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