Title: Sleep Deprivation and Spellcasting
Characters: Damon Salvatore and Bonnie Bennett, with a little appearance by Stefan Salvatore and Elijah.
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Spoilers: Up to 3.12
A/N: Written for
ladygawain at the Troll Ficathon on
upupa_epops' lj.
Prompt and Summary: Bonnie does a spell that goes horribly wrong and leaves Damon bald.
“STEFAN!” The tragic cry rang through the Salvatore mansion, but before Stefan could make his way up the stairs, Damon sped down and stood before him in nothing but his bath towel.
Damon grabbed Stefan’s shoulders, his eyes manic. His words stalled because he noticed another presence in the room. Elijah.
“What the hell happened to your hair?” Stefan asked, his thick brows coming close to each other in confusion.
The more he spoke the harder he grabbed Stefan’s jacket until he was almost shaking him. “It’s gone. Disappeared. It’s not in the shower; it’s not in the bathroom; it’s not in my room. Stefan.”
The man in question slapped his hands away and resisted feeling for his own hair. Damon on the other hand was feeling all kinds of new sensations on his scalp.
“How did this happen?”
“How should I know?! I stepped in the shower, came out, and all of sudden I look like Charles Xavier!” His blues eyes widened to an unprecedented width which did nothing but draw attention to his hairless head.
“You,” he snarled Elijah’s way. He swiftly adopted a relaxed posture, his shoulders dropping and a game started playing in his eyes. “This wouldn’t happen to be your brother’s doing, would it? Found a little witch and is now messing with me in some kind of...weird...revenge plot?”
“I can assure you he hasn’t,” Elijah said unaffectedly. He had already mentally checked to make sure his hair was still in place, and he’d done so by looking to see if the younger Salvatore still had his.
Stefan became pensive and adopted his customary ‘Work Out The Mystery’ stance: his fingers glided through the air and his eyes were slightly narrowed as he spoke. “But it has to be magic.”
Damon was done listening. He turned and left, ignoring Stefan’s calls after him. The moment he’d said ‘witch’, he’d stopped thinking of Klaus and had immediately thought of....Bonnie. He got to his room, shoved the door close, grabbed his cell phone, and punched in her designated number on his speed dial.
Bonnie’s eyebrows were lifted past their set line and her hands were balled into loose fists. She didn’t know what else to do with them. In front of her stood a completely bald, irate vampire. And he wasn’t wearing a shirt.
Damon had combed through his wardrobe, but he hadn’t found anything that would match his unwanted ‘do. So he’d decided to stay shirtless. It blended easier.
“I have no idea what happened,” Bonnie said slowly.
“What I don’t get,” Damon said conversationally, he hadn’t stopped talking since she’d stepped into the living room, “Is how you could be doing any spell, any juju, and it somehow bounces off and hits me.” He thought they were past all that. And really, how could she stoop so low as to cast a spell on him.
“Hey I didn’t say I did anything.”
“Yeah? Well who else could it have been?”
Bonnie shook her head. She had no answer. She wasn’t even trying to think of one. She was taken by his smooth dome.
“Stop staring,” he growled.
And she started to smile. Damon was bald. He looked unnatural, like he wasn’t real. She kept expecting him to give up the ruse and take off the bald cap, but it didn’t seem that was going to come to fruition. She wondered how it felt. She looked at Stefan and Elijah, and the Original vampire was the only one who wore a smile to match her own.
“Alright retrace your steps. What were you doing earlier?”
“I was in school.”
“The last time you casted a spell, Bonnie,” he specified, trying to remain patient.
“I was coming up with spells to try on the coffin.” Mentioning the bane of her existence reminded her of how tired she was. It wasn’t uncommon nowadays for her to go to sleep at three in the morning even on school nights. She didn’t want to waste time opening the coffins, because she still dreamed about opening them. Her dreams had evolved from her finding the coffins, to her mom rescuing her from the locked coffin, to Klaus telling her he’d figured out how to open it. That was what she dreamed of every night now. Right before he attacked her. But she was positive he represented something else. Or maybe someone else.
“And did you by any chance mention my name?”
“No,” she said resolutely, puckering her lips on the denial. But....she had thought about him at one point. She had been in that delirious state between sleep and wakefulness, when figures seemed to appear in her peripheral vision, when she would try to open her eyes to see if someone was truly there only to find that her lids were too heavy and it felt much better to close her eyes. And she’d been thinking about everything she’d done so far on the coffin, of everyone who was involved, and she had focused on a day in particular when Damon had been keeping her company for a reason he never identified. He’d been going on a diatribe about having to deal with the uncertainty presented by Elijah on top of Stefan and Klaus. He had even brought up Elena’s name at certain intervals.
And that was all she could remember.
“I’m sure that doesn’t matter,” Stefan said, as if he was in mid-thought.
Bonnie turned her neck to look at him.
“Right,” Damon replied as if Stefan had said something profound.
Bonnie frowned at having to move her heavy head again, but she refocused on the older vampire just the same.
“Just fix it. Cast a new spell.”
She smiled. “That might take some time.”
He slowly walked to her until she was dwarfed. “By all means don’t take your time. This is priority number one. I’m sure it’ll take you less time than the coffin. Work with mother of the year. Two witchy heads are better than one,” he concluded, sounding like he was on an informercial.
She was sometimes amazed by Damon’s capacity to be so expressive with his face. Now she was almost frightened.
“I cannot step out of the house like this,” he emphasized slowly.
She reared her neck back. “That’s horrible. I’ll be sure to make excuses when those throngs of people ask about you.”
He lowered his head, his gaze occasionally flicking to her collarbone as he spoke. “You know,” he began smoothly, “I’d say we’ve been spending a lot of time together. Coffins, plotting Klaus’ downfall. Yet I missed when you got a sense of humor,” he said, sounding mystified.
Bonnie rubbed her glossed lips against each other. “You haven’t missed much. I got it at the same time your hair disappeared.”
Damon went through three different looks, first glaring, then confusion at how he should approach her, and finally settling on sincerity. “I’m being nice.”
“You know Damon, you were the one telling me I should get over myself and give my mom a chance. I think you’re right,” she said, sounding like she was finally making a breakthrough. The glee pulling at her lips left no room for interpretation. She was going to take her time. “It has been fifteen years since I saw her, and the past is the past, and...well she’s a stranger like you said. What power does she really hold over me? Out of all the people in my life, how much damage can she really do?”
“I was drunk,” he said, the words dripping with malice.
“And wise,” she said, not bothering to mask her patronization.
Damon tightened his jaw.
“I have a lot to talk about with my mother; your follicle problem can wait a little.” She put on her best apology mask and started backing towards the exit. “But I promise I’ll keep it in mind,” she said, her farce going from apologetic to grave as befitted what she knew to be a delicate situation. She spurn and almost laughed her way out of the boarding house.
Damon crafted murder on her back.
The End