Have you forgotten that day six years ago? Have you forgotten what you felt the day the towers came down and the weeks, months and years later the pain you felt as you saw all this? Do you really think we dont need the war that is going on right now? I haven't
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The world has lost a wonderful singer and man today. May you rest in peace Mr. Luciano Pavarotti..and bring your music to those in heaven , as you did while here on earth..
The phone meme! Give your friends list your phone number. Don't answer the phone when it rings; just let it go to voicemail and see what kind of whacked-out messages you get!
Yes i am alive...just wanted to let everyone know that i am alive and should be back online more come tuesday...am waiting for the wireless to be set up so i can get on..you can still get a hold of me in email...but will be on and off till then...*hugs and kisses* everyone take care.