I'm going to try to comment since my buttons have reappeared! I just wanted to give you a giant hung since I haven't seen you around and since my laptop died, I can't post to LJ or comment (usually)! Yeah, sometimes it's better to have the teeth thing overwith...
The same thing happened to my digital cable the other day. I felt like it was that moment in "Syzygy" when Mulder flips around all the channels and the Keystone Kops or whoever were on every station. *g* Did you try turning the box off, then turning it back on? I did that when mine acted up and it fixed it. :)
I was going to suggest that. When my cable was out Saturday, they had me power-cycle the digital box -- unplug it, leave it for about 30 seconds, and then plug it back in. It didn't work for me (because it turned out the line was actually disconnected at the box), but it might fix your issue.
Just a warning, though; you'll lose any "favorites" or anything like that you set up, and the guide will take at least a few minutes to fill itself back in. :)
Big hugs, my friend {{{A}}} I hope your week is going along as well as possible, and that your cable gremlins have departed. Particularly since MI-5 is on A&E tonight!
Comments 5
And in honor of Bravo, I give you Queer Spidey!
Just a warning, though; you'll lose any "favorites" or anything like that you set up, and the guide will take at least a few minutes to fill itself back in. :)
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