(I'm pretty sure Jack Nicholson said this while wielding an axe)
I'm back in lovely "it's-not-the-heat-it's-the-humidity" Houston, and ready to assume my duties, which are:
1 - modding the Pensieve forum
2 - writing up my Friday and Saturday from Nimbus (I didn't have a Sunday, really)
3 - getting my pictures developed!!!
4 - going to see the play "The Foreigner" with my friend Meera
5 - thinking about whether or not to finish my fic, and, if I decide to, finishing and posting Ch. 20
6 - peeking at the DT and seeing if I can resist jumping back in to discuss the Hippogriff -- Symbol of Impossible Love
7 - getting and reading At Swim, Two Boys as per birthday promise to Liz
8 - taking all the sticky tabs out of my UK copies of canon
9 - mailing debate T-shirts to Dr. C, Rachel, Chicagoamy and (if I'm feeling generous) Ami the Almost-Winner
10 - going to the grocery store, unpacking, doing laundry, etc.
11 - Blankety-blank-blank PTO work
12 - Planning a birthday party for my daughter
13 - Other things on which my mind is blessedly blank
I am depressed to see that the whole Gryffindor Hidden Room thing has flared up again while I was gone, and that the long-suffering
msscribe has been cruelly persecuted yet again (you'd think the karmic odds would balance themselves eventually).
On the other hand, some excellent things happened while I was gone, most notably
seviet's new drawings,
melissa_tlc's new job, and a lot of people showing maturity over the latest attempt to rile up the fandom.
If I sound cranky (okay, I know I do), it's because all my muscles are sore. This is mostly because of an ill-considered and too-persistent attempt to waterski on Friday, not helped by climbing all over the battleship Alabama yesterday (too many dang ladders). Probably driving for eleven hours didn't help either. But -- on the bright side -- that huge pimple beside my right eye finally cleared up!