Title: Eulogy.
Author: Tasha.
Xverse: Movie
Characters: Ensemble.
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. They belong to Marvel.
Notes: This was written for the April Picture Challenge. The picture I've chosen is from X1, but the fanfic is set post-X2.
The picture can be found
Eulogy )
Comments 11
Very well written.
Good job!
What's funny is, I recently wrote a short fic that has Logan reflecting on Xavier's passing. I'm not sure when or even if I'll be posting it, since it basically gives away some plans I have for my Helen Conover storyline.
my Helen Conover storyline.
One of the few non-X-Men characters I like to read about... :)
I have no idea where Helen came from, but I enjoy her very much, and I'm glad others do as well. :)
I think Scott, movie Scott, gets short shrift all the time and that's simply not right.
Scott is not an idiot.
He's not emtionless. He's a math geek and all the math geeks I've known (my sister included) are pretty much like that. It's not that they don't have emotions, they just don't show them like ordinary people. (And believe me when I say that math geeks like Scott are not ordinary)
I hate it when people write Scott as emotionless. He is a person. People have feelings. It's that simple.
Many people don't publicize what they feel inside, that doesn't mean they don't feel it.
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