i would like to sleep easier. i would like to write a book. i would like to not keep having this. i would like for everything to be simpler, i would like for me to tell you everything i tell you in my monolouges in my head, for me to be able to tell you everything i think all at once, and have you understand me. i would like for you to know that by 'you' i might not mean a specific 'you', but then again i might, and i would like you to know the difference which is asking a lot. i would like to spend more time with more friends. i would like more time in a day, i would like to do more things in one day. i would like to be able to handle my money a lot better. i would like to think dreams come true. i would like to belive in anything wholeheartedly. i would like to be considered intelligent, and to not make so many grammer mistakes that i dont mean (which don't include run-on sentences). i would like to do things i say i'm going to do, i would like to have the motivation to get what i want done. i would like to not feel redundent and bland, i would like to feel like i have something interesting to say or to do. i would like to write in my journal more, i would like to dedicate more time to creating things. i would like to get up earlier without an alarm clock. i would like to wake up entirely differntly. i would like to be idealistic, but i would like to be tough enough to withstand you. i would like to drive home alone at night without contemplating if i am the only one thinking these things. i would like to be sure. i would like for people not to be absolute idiots and start fights for no reason at all, i would like for people to never ever hurt my friends again. i would like to actually be apathetic, i would like to feel reciprocated, but at the same time unlike anything. i would like to be thought of maybe even as something refreshing. i would like to be melted. i would like to dance with someone, and i dont mean drunken flopping around. i would like to build a coin operated robot to be me sometimes, instead of me having to be it. i would really really like to be thought of as intellegent. but i would actually like to be thought of as a beauty, too, maybe but i won't ever again admit to saying this. i would like to know what people are really thinking. i would like to know that when i wonder you are wondering, too. i would like to relate to lyrics about being infinite, not about this. i would like for that little moment tonight when i stood outside in the rain finishing my cigarette before i went inside to mean more than it did.