Made a collage for Buskaid. I just wish there was someway it could be used for a more useful purpose, i.e. promoting the cause. Meh, here it is none the less...
Three more icons, let me know what ya think, and if you wanna use one you can go right ahead, just let me know, but no credit needs to be given :) Two are David, and there is one Gilly as well.
Yay, Bush wants to create an admendment to the constitution banning gay marriages...*rolls eyes* Can't he just leave it alone! Honestly, who the fuck cares if two people are in love, then hell, why shouldn't they have the right to get married. Good luck with that *cough* BUSH-EEE EVIL *cough* Got some icons....
I can never remember what icons I have posted and where they were...but here are some *shrug* sorry if they are repeats. Use if you like, just let me know :)
"Ah, you're awake. I was hoping you'd cry out in your sleep, and I could bite your face off." - Moro from Princess Mononoke
"I mean, look at you. You--you don't sit around your house in an Armani suit, do you?" "No. My house is black-tie." - Meredith and Trent from Playing by Heart