If you haven't heard about what's happening at Amazon.com (i.e. stripping the sales rankings from queer -- and BDSM, and poly, and other "adult" -- books), you'd best check this out.
http://jezebel.com/5209088/why-is-amazon-removing-the-sales-rankings-from-gay-lesbian-bookshttp://markprobst.livejournal.com/15293.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/meta_writer/11992.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/meta_writer/11369.htmlhttp://fiercelydreamed.livejournal.com/48689.html Amazon Rank (and more about that here:
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/in-protest-at-amazons-new-adult-policy http://clicheideas.com/amazon.htm http://search.twitter.com/search?max_id=1505138954&page=1&q=%23amazonfail *rageragerage*
Anyone know if Amazon.ca is doing the same? If so, I'm taking my wish list down and not buying there anymore. This is inexcusable, IMO.
ETA: Yes, some items on Amazon.ca have been affected. Right then. Screw you, Amazon. *removes wish list*
ETA2: And, for the record, what my profile now says:
You'll notice my (6 page, 150-item long) wish list has been entirely deleted (by me). Until Amazon stops deleting sales rankings from queer-positive and sex-positive books (Google "Amazon rank" for more info), I refuse to give them my business. I recommend shopping at your local brick-and-mortar queer-positive bookstore instead. E-mail me if you want suggestions as to where and what to buy. But please don't buy me or my family anything from here until Amazon ends censorship.