Post a list of all your roleplaying journal names and explain what the names mean, if anything.
i_has_a_feather - Joshua (TWEWY) (AU) - BOSS RUSH PICTURE 8D
smirk_and_a_gun - Joshua (TWEWY) (AU) - He smirks a lot and he's sekritly a hitman
neverplaysfair - Joshua (TWEWY) - Because if you think the Game isn't rigged, you're crazy
queenofhealers - Akari (Samurai Deeper Kyo) (AU) - Akari is actually a man, but was raised and dresses as a woman, and she heals people.
tempestwards - Sync (Tales of the Abyss) (AU) - Sync the Tempest. Like northwards, only tempestwards. idk I don't love this one.
peta_peta_peta - Rika (Higurashi) (AU) - Peta peta peta peta peta peta peta peta peta peta peta peta peta...
badass_rainbows - Mithos (Tales of Symphonia) - RAINBOW WINGS. RAINBOW. WINGS. And he's awesome.
drunkenmusicbox - Yowane Haku (Vocaloid) - Drunken because she's always drunk, music box because she sings.
devilslittlebro - Mizushiro Hizumi (Sprial) - His older brother is Mizushiro Yaiba, the "devil".
I love almost all the journal names I've come up with. I spend a stupidly large amount of effort thinking about my usernames. Looking at my main journal name, you wouldn't know, would you? >.>;;;