Essay Rules
1.) Remember your deadline. It can be found in the same post as your choices. Submit your entry via comment to this post.
2.) Write a 200-600 word essay that shows your connection (personality traits, habits, appearance, etc.) with your chosen animagus form. Research is very helpful.
3.) "Colouration/markings" is where you can specify your form's appearance. This is particularly helpful (to yourself and the mods) if your animal comes in several colours or markings variations (for example, a Siberian husky, a rabbit, etc). You do not have to be verbose here. Bear in mind that animagus markings often mimic your actual appearance.
4.) Once your essay is approved, you will get a reply that includes the usual "OMGYAY! YOU ARE NOW A REGISTERED ANIMAGUS!" and a spiffy banner.
1.) Use the textbox below when submitting your essay.
2.) If you use any html (beyond just bolding your choice), it would be lovely if you could include a copy of your essay in a textbox. To do so, copy the whole essay and paste it into the comment again (or a new comment) with before it and after.
3.) Please specify which banner style you would like.
Banner A
Banner B
Banner C
Banner D
Banner E
Name: House: Application Number: Form Chosen: Colouration/Markings:Banner Style: Essay: Request to Reapply
If you are here for a request to reapply, please use the form above and write a minimum 200 word essay saying why you don't feel connected to your animal anymore. Please put 'Reapplication Request' in the subject line. When this has been approved, you may post a new application to the queue @ the
application post. Please remember that:
- You can only do this if you've had your form for a minimum of 6 months.
- You can only reapply once every six months.
- You will automatically be bumped to the bottom of the queue by new animagus applicants, thus you may have to wait an additional month to be included in voting.
If you wish to read some essays written by your fellow Registered Animagi for an idea of what we're looking for, go
For mod reference, the old essay submission post is