Here is the list of animals that you will be stamped from. Instead of having only a few specific animals, I've picked more general groups or families to represent a broader ranger of animals. So the bear stamp includes all bears from the grizzly to the giant panda and the whale stamp includes all whales include the subgroups dolphins and porpoises.
Since there is such a broad range of personalities within a group, try to give greater thought to the habitat and traits section rather than their personality. For example, the great white and tiger sharks are known for being dangerous and vicious, while the hammerhead and whale sharks are considered docile or most wild cats are solitary, but lions have complex family systems. Keep in mind that everyone has different opinions of animals and try not to let your opinions effect your voting.
Also, when you are voting, feel free to specify which group member you're voting that person as. For example, I'm voting for whale, specifically the carefree, courageous dolphin or You're like a wild dog, but more of fox than a wolf!
bears, including, but not limited to, polar bear, giant panda, dwarf panda, short-faced bear, brown bear, grizzly, Kodiak, Eurasian brown bear, American black bear, Asian black bear, sloth bear, and sun bear.
mammal - mostly omnivores - diurnal - solitary - the Americas, Europe, and Asia
all birds, except birds of prey, including flightless birds.
bird - great variety of food - mostly diurnal - groups variety from solitary to large flocks - every continent
birds of prey, or any bird that hunts other animals, including, hawks, eagles, buzzards, harriers, kites, vultures, osprey, falcons, condors, and owls
bird - carnivores - diurnal, except for owls - groups vary - every continent, except Antarctica
bovids, a family in the ruminant group, which includes bison, African Buffalo, water buffalo, antelopes, gazelles, sheep, goats, muskox, and domestic cattle.
mammal - herbivore - diurnal - herd animals - native to North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia
deer, including the species of white-tailed deer, mule deer, red deer, elk, moose (known as elk outside of North America), muntjac, brocket, pudu, roe deer, and reindeer (known as caribou when wild in North America).
mammal - herbivore - crepuscular (active at dusk and dawn) - herd animals - the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe
domestic cat or housecat, there are dozens of domestic cat breeds
mammal - carnivore - nocturnal for the most part - solitary, but can form groups - domesticated in every continent except Antarctica
domestic dog, there are hundreds of domestic dog breeds
mammal - carnivore - diurnal - pack animals - domesticated in every continent
all fish, except sharks, found in almost every body of water, freshwater and saltwater
fish - great variety of food - can be nocturnal or diurnal - can be solitary or form schools - any body of water suitable
frog, including toads, tree frogs, poison dart frogs, and bullfrogs
amphibian - carnivorous as adults - can be nocturnal or diurnal - solitary or groups - “frogs” require nearby, “toads” can go longer without, every continent except Antarctica
horse and the horse family including donkeys, zebras, Prezewalski’s horse, and mules
mammal - herbivore - diurnal - herd animals - originally from Asia, Europe, and Africa, can now be found domesticated or wild in the Americas and Australia
lizards, including iguanas, chameleons, collar lizards, anoles, geckos, Komodo dragon, Gila monster, skinks, and horny toads
reptile - mostly carnivores - can be nocturnal or diurnal - solitary, some form groups - found in every continent except Antarctica
marsupials, which carry their infants in a pouch until they grow, including kangaroos, koalas, opossums, numbats, wombats, bandicoots, and the Tasmanian Devil
mammal - variety of foods - can be nocturnal or diurnal - solitary or groups - most common in Australia and the Americas
pinnipeds, or wing-footed mammals, include the walrus, fur seals, sea lions, monk seal, elephant seal, leopard seal, and common seal
mammal - carnivore - diurnal - often found in groups - every ocean
primate, including apes, such as gorilla, gibbon, orangutans, and chimpanzee, Old World monkeys, such as mandrill, colobus monkey, baboon, and rhesus monkey, and New World monkeys, such as marmosets, douroucoulis, squirrel monkeys, woolly monkeys, and capuchins, and lemurs and aye-ayes
mammal - variety of foods - diurnal - often found in groups - Central and South America, Africa, and Asia
rodents, the largest group of mammals, includes mice, rats, squirrels, beavers, chinchillas, gerbils, guinea pigs, lemmings, marmots, muskrats, porcupines, prairie dogs, voles, woodchucks, and capybaras
mammal - variety of foods - can be diurnal or nocturnal - often in groups - every continent except Antarctica
sharks, along with rays, the only cartilaginous fish
fish - carnivore - diurnal and nocturnal - occasionally in groups - every ocean
snakes, including garter snake, blind snake, and hognose snake, venomous snakes, such as rattlesnake, king cobra, pit viper, black mamba, coral snake, scarlet king snake, copperhead, bushmaster, fer-de-lance, and water moccasin or cottonmouth, and constrictors, such as anaconda, boa constrictor, and python.
reptile - carnivore - can be diurnal or nocturnal - usually solitary - every continent except Antarctica
turtles, including tortoises and sea turtles
reptile - can be herbivore, carnivore, or herbivore - can be diurnal or nocturnal - usually solitary, sea turtles the exception - found in every continent except Antarctic, sea turtles found in every ocean except polar ones
weasel and the weasel family, including stoat, ermine, polecat, mink, ferret, pine martin, and some include the skunk
mammal - carnivore, can be omnivore - nocturnal or diurnal depending on the season - more solitary - every continent except Australia and Antarctica
whale, including toothed whales, such as the sperm, killer (or orca), pilot, and beluga, baleen whales such as the blue, humpback, bowhead, and minke, and the dolphin and porpoise subfamilies
mammal - carnivore or herbivore - nocturnal and diurnal - some solitary, some in family groups - every ocean
wild cat, including the big cats, such as lion, tiger, jaguar, and leopard and the small cats, such as cheetah, caracal, mountain cat, serval, lynx, bobcat, fishing cat, cougar (or mountain lion or puma or…), and jaguarondi
mammal - carnivore - nocturnal - solitary, except for prides of lions - every continent except Antarctica and Australia
wild dog, including wolf, jackal, dingo, African wild dog, red fox, gray fox, arctic fox, fennec fox, raccoon dog, coyotes
mammal - carnivore - diurnal - form packs or clans, except for foxes - every continent except Antarctica
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