Opposite Stereotype theme

Nov 20, 2010 22:29

Please link to four unstamped applications that you've voted on recently:

1. http://community.livejournal.com/animangamirror/306179.html?view=3187203#t3187203
2. http://community.livejournal.com/animangamirror/306050.html?view=3187586#t3187586
3. http://community.livejournal.com/animangamirror/305662.html?view=3187966#t3187966

Name and Age: Anna/24
Since I can't come up with a good question, feel free to mention anything you'd like (appearance-wise, since this is a mirror community)...that you feel would contribute and help the voting: I normally wear a smile even if i'm not in the best mood but I don't know if this information can actually help them voting XD
Is there one stereotype that you, under no condition, wouldn't like to get votes for?: //

Voters! The stamping options for this theme, can be found HERE.

!needs stamp

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