Name: Natalie.
【 About Yourself... 】
Please describe your personality: My enneagram type would be
9, I think. I am also a
Dreamy Idealist i.e. IntrovertediNtuitiveFeelingPerceiving. On the very popular daemon quiz, my result was
Multi-Faceted Soul and I think it fits me very well. My zodiac sign is a Gemini, although I feel that Libra or Pisces could've fit me slightly better. I do think that Gemini fits me in a way that I have quite a lot of sides to my personality, nevertheless.
Let's see, now... I'm a person with a lot of flaws, the biggest one being my shyness, I may even seem anti-social to some; I really have trouble with talking freely to people at first, although afterward I open up a little and become very fun and friendly, although still not really outgoing, more like open. I can't stand seeing others in physical or mental pain very much, as it sort of transfers to me each time, and in that way I'm very sensitive; which usually turns out in me trying to awkwardly help with cheering others up and standing up for them, even when I honestly can't even stand up for myself, haha. I can sometimes be selfish, but still deep inside I care a lot about others, even though I don't always show it. I'm also very polite and I highly respect rules, even if at times I do think some of them are just meaningless, I think I would have been a good class president who wouldn't bother anyone who doesn't want to be bothered. I despise depressing and sick things, such as cannibalism and murder in general, though I'm not ignorant and I do admit it exists and is a problem. I love LOVE! As well as fantasy, humor, romance and adventures.
I'm also slightly
Type A tsundere, when I think about it, because I get very easily embarrassed when I talk about love or feelings and other things like that and I may not show my affection towards someone as openly as others. Let's just say I'm more of a shy tsundere type rather than outgoing tsundere type? I won't go around hitting the one I love, but I might give them the cold shoulder. Despite my wagon of flaws, I do believe I'm not obnoxious or immature, I always speak in a very peaceful manner and even my ever-constant irritation isn't very easy to spot, it takes a lot to make me act like a, well, normal person. One other thing I feel is worth mentioning is the fact that I'm a huge homebody, while I like fresh air and seeing new places can be quite fascinating, I'm probably as far as someone who has wanderlust as possible, I don't feel comfortable being far away from home.
"Good advice. If I listened earlier, I wouldn't be here. But that's just the trouble with me. I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it." - me in a nutshell.
Positive traits: Internally strong, imaginative, friendly, intelligent, funny (or I try to be, that is, haha), understanding, sympathetic, a peacemaker, curious, flexible, thoughtful, kindhearted, conscientious, forgiving, honest, but in a more gentle way; I try not to hurt people with the harsh or not so harsh truth unless I feel they deserve that.
Negative traits: Sensitive, anxious, distractable, lazy, dependent, unsure, unfocused, initially guarded, finical, agreeable, spontaneous, bossy, impatient (to a point), grumpy. The following traits don't show nearly as much as others, but I do feel they need to be there to have a better picture: selfish/spoiled, critical, petty, feisty, prideful.
Please list some of your dislikes: Having to take a lot of medicine, which doesn't help the matter really, because I do have to take a lot of it still. Don't worry, I'm not a crazy person who needs to be medicated all the time, I just have an unfortunate disease and an my mum's unfortunate love for pills, haha. Also, certain supporters of gay rights or feminism or other "popular" cultures who seriously are losing it with taking everything way too seriously and not even letting others state their honest opinion; people who like to bring others down because they're not cool enough, in whatever sense... but I guess the most common would be school bullying; drugs, alcohol, having to breathe smoky air, boiled vegetables, bitter chocolate and bitter things in general, unfairness, having to listen to betchy authority, being left alone when all I want is to be with someone.
What is the first impression that you give others?: Strangers usually think I'm either very collected and almost anti-social or very shy and need to open up, but you do need to know they are only strangers, and they're almost never right really, haha.
How are you described by those who know you?: Let me think, they often say I'm cute, very very often for sure... it's one trait that people never fail to see in me; I can't say I get it entirely well... they also say I'm honest, strong, sheltered, lazy and a bit selfish, as well as naive/clueless and too kind.
【 Are you more... 】
A realist, an idealist, an optimist or a pessimist: Realistic idealist :)
Cautious or Impulsive: I'm usually cautious, but can be impulsive if I get too emotional.
Calm or Hyper: Calm with hyper moments from time to time.
Trusting or Cynical: It's really hard to answer, but I'm thinking slightly more trusting than cynical.
Leader or Follower: I'm not much of a leader, I don't handle pressure very well and I'm too emotional to be controlling a group of people. Although some people did say I could've been a great leader, I'd much rather be my own leader in my head. So yeah, I'm leaning a bit more towards a follower, even though I don't follow without thinking things through and sharing my thoughts on how to act with the leader.
Introverted or Extroverted: I hide my feelings a lot (sometimes successfully), but at the same time I'm very open with my close friends, I'll basically tell them anything as long as I feel they're willing to listen.
Independent or Dependent: Both in a weird way. I try to act independent around others (though to be completely honest, it rarely works out very well, lol), especially people I don't know, but inside I'm dependent. I don't know what I'd do without some of my friends and my family, they're too important to me to ever lose without it having a huge impact on my world.
Persistent or Laid-Back: Laid-back in a sense that I know when to back off and stuff.
Confident or Modest: More modest than confident? I can be confident in certain areas, but I'm usually modest about anything I'm good at, at least outside. I just have way too much stuff going on in my brain that you probably don't want to know about either way, haha.
【 Add something here 】
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I'd like to be less sensitive to whatever others think of me.
Do you enjoy conflict or do you seek to end it as soon as you can? One thing I surely do not enjoy in life is conflict, and I prefer to not start it in the first place. I don't mind rivalry, though, as I find it fun from time to time!
Someone just cut in front of you in the store, when you've already been waiting for quite some time. How do you react? I would definitely boil up inside, but outside I would try to stay cool. What I would surely do, though, is cut in front of them again because I'm a very mature individual, lol.
Imagine yourself fighting in order to save the world, or to put an end to it depending on your ideals. What motivates you to fight? Would it be for the sake of the world, just because you felt like helping out, for a specific desire, for yourself? Probably to help somebody who I consider a close friend of mine or just fight because I have no other choice... I'm just not normally a world-saving type.
Speaking of fighting, would you play the offensive, defensive or supportive role? Supportive, that's for sure, although I don't think I won't get offensive and defensive from time to time either? Since it would be rather boring to just be in a supportive role, haha.
You've come across a powerful enemy, but are already aware you won't acquire anything tangible by beating it. Do you fight it anyway? Not really, I don't see much of a point, plus I imagine I would avoid fighting with enemies, especially powerful ones.
【 Optional 】
Are there any characters you would prefer not to be voted as? Chino, but I'm hoping you didn't think of her, haha.
Please list 5 recent applications you have voted on:
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