1. Name: Kelly.
2. Age (no one under 13, please): 19
3. Location: California, USA
4. Three positive adjectives to describe yourself: Independent, accepting, strong minded
5. Three negative adjectives to describe yourself: Self-conscious, over protective, over analytical
6. If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would you go, and why?:Scotland. The land is gorgeous. Exploring it would be awesome.
7. Describe your relationship with love: I tried it out once or twice, never actually falling in love. Ended up resenting it for a long while. Then one of my best guy friends told me he was in love with me. He is now the love of my life. It's a struggle at times, but we've been through the best and the worst together. I love him for everything he is; good and bad.
8. Favourite three books: Harry Potter, Memoirs of a Geisha, White Oleander
9. Favourite three movies (excluding animated films): Oh man I love movies. a Knights Tale, Labyrinth, 28 days later
10. What is the meaning/significance/derivation of your username?: My livejournal is where I publicly express my emotion. Hence being "emotive". I'm not good at speaking nor do I think everyone in the world needs to know exactly what I'm going through. My emotions are my business.
11. If you could change one thing about yourself or your life, what would it be?: I had to move to California due to many things in my life that went wrong. I couldn't take my love with me. He resides in Nevada still. I wish he was here with me.
12. Why do you love animated movies? They give you hope. There are so many hidden lessons. And of course, each girl can relate to at least ONE animated beauty :P
13. Anything else we should know?: I love learning, music, writing, photography, the color blue, and video games.
14. Pictures or description of yourself:
Before I redid my hair
my angel wing. :)
after le hairdo~
15. Please provide the links to at least three votes you've cast on other applications: