Name: *shrug* Keme.
Age: The big one eight.
Previous Stamps: Tzipporah, Jasmine
1. What would be your ideal adventure?: Going around, seeing the world. I want to see EVERYTHING, like I said in my previous application. And I mean that. I want to see the crappiest places to live, I want to see the richest and the poorest and the most firmly middle class. I want to see the ocean and the mountain and the valley and the plain. I want to go everywhere, urban, suburban, rural, unexplored. I think every adventure has its own merit, that everything in its own way is an adventure, whether it's climbing mount everest or taking a trip to the city or even something "mundane" like falling in love. That would be a fine adventure, long as I don't get hurt again.
2. Do you enjoy travel, or are you a homebody?: Both, if that makes any sense. I want to stay at home, I want to be comfortable. Comfort is nice, I like it a lot. However, I want to experience everything. I guess that's the way to put it. And there's no way that you can do that by sitting on your butt all day. I like being home and the smell of safe, comfortable sheets and I also like traveling and the smell of unusual coffee or something. Do you get what I'm saying? If you don't I'd be happy to explain more in a comment.
3. What skills would you use to rescue a damsel in distress?: Aha! Well, it depends on what sort of mortal peril she is in. I'm relatively proficient with a gun, so I could use that if absolute need be, but I'd honestly probably shoot in the leg or the shoulder or something, and I'd rather it not come to that in the first place. I also know how to use my body to defend myself, so I don't see why that couldn't be used to defend others too. Once again, I'd rather it not come to that, though (aside for if whatever's distressing the damsel is really a jerk...then I'll open a can, if you know what I mean). I think the best way that I could possibly rescue this damsel would be to do something sneaky and clever. However, I am not always the brightest bulb under extreme circumstances, and especially not where I'm emotionally involved. It really would be great if I could rely on my brains, but as an emotional person I can't always do that.
4. Are you happiest in the royal court, in the greater city, in the country, or on the move?: Probably in the country. I like nature and trees and stuff. And I find stuff in the city absolutely tiring, otherwise I'd say there because I LOVE people-watching. The royal court would be too snooty snooty for me, and on the move...? Like I've said before, I like home too much. Adventuring's fine, but when push comes to shove there really nothing is like snuggling down in your own bed and drinking a nice cup of hot cocoa and reading a book or surfing the internet or something. Mmmm. (Can you tell I'm just a little bit sleepy? haha. :P)
5. What are some trials you've successfully overcome in your life?: I've overcome people being jerks, including people I've been in relationships with. I've overcome my own self-doubt and self-pity. I've overcome the fact that my profession is hard to get into even the schools that I applied to and that I got into a relatively good one. I've overcome the fact that I have a couple of emotional disorders and that they rarely affect me in day-to-day life anymore. Oh, and while some of you may find this trite, I had to overcome some of the most hellish feelings ever when I played a Jew in a Holocaust play a couple of months back. It was awful because one of my best friends played a Nazi and had to write my number on me every single night. It was hell, because I had to take it seriously. And he took it very seriously, too. We talked about it later and actually became better friends for it. Weird how stuff like that happens. But, truly, in all honesty, I will NEVER forget the number 68552. Ever. It's become a part of who I am.
6. What mythical monster would you most like to defeat (slay or tame, it's your call)?: This is actually a tough one. My first instinct was "tame a dragon!" but really, what good would that do? Dragons, to me, seem like loners in the first place; taming them wouldn't really do me any good. And slaying one would be too much work, and probably not worth it anyway. So...hmm. I'd probably tame a Gryphon. Gryphons are highly loyal and trustworthy, so I think it would be a good idea to have an ally like that. And it appeals to me that gryphons are monogamous, according to wikipedia anyway. Not that I personally have a problem with polyamory or anything, I actually think it's fine. Just the idea that an animal could be monogamous appeals to me.
7. Are you a seeker of truth, or do you tend to accept the world as it is?: I hate lies. I see things for what they are, in the end, because the truth is always figured out, or some permutation of the truth. I like to accept that people are honest, at first, so I guess I'm pretty accepting...until I find out that somebody's lying to me. Then I don't trust anything they say. I'd rather somebody be honest with me and hurt me than lie to me to keep me happy, because it's just going to make me more angry and upset in the future.
8. What is your favourite field of study?: The music. It is my life. It is my dream. I love it. I can breathe when I'm playing music, when I'm singing. I'm a different person...but I'm not. It's like, when I'm singing that's who I really am. I'm not me sometimes when I'm not singing. Once again, haha, I'm sorry if I'm not making any sense. Please tell me if I'm not and more explanation would help your vote. I'd be happy to give you one.
9. Are you a team player or more of a loner?: Well...I'll help out the team if the team needs me or asks for me. I tend to be shy, though, so I don't really get to know people well, usually, unless they like me right away (happens sometimes) or I like them right away (usually it's mutual, actually). I walk to the beat of my own drummer but I don't mind occasionally listening in to the other drums to see what they're doing, because that's an interesting tune as well. I'm a bit of a voyeur, actually. I like watching but I don't get involved. So, uh, THE SHORT ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION IS LONER. Man, you guys are going to think I'm the biggest creeper ever after reading this. I swear I'm not. I'm just being honest.
10. What animal would you compare yourself to?: Man these are difficult questions if you put a lot of thought into them. D: Um. My first thought is that I have no idea, that I used to think I had a lot in common with a chameleon but I'm actually quite stubborn and unchangeable. Accommodating, maybe, but not changeable. Thinking about it some more?, maybe a duck or something. I'm kind of quacky. And I like the idea of being able to swim and fly and walk at the same time; the unity of three different elements (only missing fire, but I have an inner fire so that would be all four. um. yeah). Yeah, duck makes sense. And I think ducks are adorable, and I've been told I'm adorable. Weird but true. I know I sound like a creeper but really I'm a huge sweetheart. Swear to god.
11. Pictures (optional):
Oh yes, and thanks for putting up with my long, vaguely creepy answers, by the way, once again. You guys rock. *blows kisses* ;D