1. Name: Hope
2. Age (no one under 13, please): I'm over 13
3. Location: USA
4. Three positive adjectives to describe yourself: sweet,demure,motherly
5. Three negative adjectives to describe yourself: naive,emotional,sensitive
6. If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would you go, and why?: Rome, it's romantic and and artist's heaven.
7. Describe your relationship with love: I've had relationships.They didn't last but they help shape into the person I am.No matter how painful it may be at the time of parting people are meant to help shape you and those situations help you grow as a human being. I have no regrets.
8. Favourite three books: Northanger Abbey,North & South,Pride & Prejudice
9. Favourite three movies (excluding animated films): Atonement,Sabrina,Roman Holiday
10. What is the meaning/significance/derivation of your username?: I love pink and I help my father grow roses (also love roses). Lady cause that's what I act like.
11. If you could change one thing about yourself or your life, what would it be?: less anxious
12. Why do you love animated movies? I'm very nostalgic and I've just never outgrown them and hope I never do.It brings a certain calmness for me almost like herbal tea....I'm weird I guess.
13. Anything else we should know?: I'm also demure,helpful,emotional.