1. Name: Katharina or 'Rin'
2. Age (no one under 13, please): 22
3. Location: Alabama
4. Three positive adjectives to describe yourself: classy,creative,bubbly
5. Three negative adjectives to describe yourself: impatient (which makes these comms interesting cause I must learn to be patient for votes and stamp), sarcastic (though to me it's a pro/con. I love my sarcasm ,people hate it),tempermental
6. If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would you go, and why?: New York.One word- Broadway.
7. Describe your relationship with love: it hasn't been kind to me but I'm a high believer your meant to be in every relationship you have/had. Relationship form you.I read that somewhere on lj and agree with it.
8. Favourite three books: Atonement,North & South, Northanger Abbey
9. Favourite three movies (excluding animated films): Atonement,Marie Antoinette,The Notebook
10. What is the meaning/significance/derivation of your username?: dahlia is from The Black Dahlia. I'm interested in the murder case and the era it happened and yes I love the movie with Scarlett Johansson even though the ending was pathetic. Dream cause it sounded nice with dahlia to be honest.
11. If you could change one thing about yourself or your life, what would it be?: be sexier
12. Why do you love animated movies? nostalgic,admiration,and they are just plain cool.
13. Anything else we should know?: I'd say check my userinfo for more but I haven't really filled it out,oops.
14. Pictures or description of yourself: auburn hair,heart shaped face,skin so pale a corpse has more color and very short.
15. Please provide the links to at least three votes you've cast on other applications: