Name: Kasey Mackenzie Beggs
Birth date: February 8, 1991
Birth place: Louisville, KY
Current Location: Fucking Smithfield, KY
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Blonde
Righty or Lefty: Both! Now whattt?
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Your heritage: Kiss me I'm Irish. And other stuff.
What Shoes Did You Wear Today: Chuckss.
Your fears: Sharp objects, blood, dying. MORBID THINGS.
Your perfect pizza: Thick crust, extra cheese, banana peppers, black olives.
Goal you'd like to achieve: Move to Denver. <33
Your thoughts first waking up: I'm skipping.
Your best physical feature: Eyes, tummy, and hips?
Your bedtime: Whenever.
Your most missed memory: Logan but he turned into a gothic dumbfuck so I guess I don't care anymore. Maybe Loni? Yes. Loni.
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
Single or group dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Converse, damn.
Lipton Tea or Nestea: Lipton I guess. Tea is tea.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
Cappuccino or coffee: Er.. both.
Smoke: Nope.
Cuss: Sometimes.
Single: Er.. yeah.
Take a shower: Well, yeah..
Have a crush(es): Not really.
Think you've been in love: Maybe.
Like(d) high school: No.
Want to get married: Haven't thought about it much.
Do you believe in yourself?: Shmeh?
Get motion sickness: No.
Think you're a health freak: Ha.
Get along with your parents: Sometimes.
Drank alcohol: No.
Gone to the mall: Yes.
been on stage: No.
Eaten Sushi: Never had it in my life.
been dumped: No.
Gone skating: No.
Gone skinny dipping: No.
Dyed your hair: Yes.
Played a game that required removal of clothing: Strip dice?
Gotten beaten up: No.
Changed who you were to fit in: Nah.
Age you hope to be married: No later than 30.
Numbers of Children: ABSOLUTELY NONE.
Describe your dream wedding: Uh.. I don't really care..
How do you want to die: In someone's arms.
What country would you most like to visit: Great Britian.
Best eye color?: Green.
Best hair color?: Dark color.
Short or long hair: Shaggy-ness is hawt.
Height: Taller than moi.
Articles of clothing: Doesn't matter.
Number of people I can trust: About four.
Number of CD's I own: Eh. I lost them all.
Number of piercings: Three.
Number of tattoos: None.
Number of times been on T.V: About four or five times.
Number of times my name has appeared in the Newspaper: Maybe ten.
number of scars on my body: Lets see.. uh.. six?
Number of things in my past that I regret: One.
1.) Intials: KMB
2.)Name someone else with the same birthday as you: The alien from the movie Mars Attacks. You know, the one with the high voice and defined cheek bones?
3.)Favorite Fruit: Tangerines.
4.) For or Against Same Sex Marriage: For. If they like that shit, then go with that shit.
5.) Are you Allergic to Anything: To you.
6.) Are you bisexual? Well no. Although some people would like me to be. -coughkeilcough-
7.) Have you ever slept in someone else's clothes? Why sure. Michael's pajamas are very comfortable.
8.) What up? Hopefully a ceiling.
9.)How many U.S States have you lived in? Just this god damned one.
10.) Have you ever lived outside the U.S? Er. No.
11.) Name something physical about yourself you like: I like my hips. I like my eyes and tummy too, but I have tiny cute hips. Hard to explain.
12.) Name something non physical you like about yourself: My likeableness. Is that a word?
13.) What is your dream car? 2006 Porsche Cayman S (silver of course, silver bullet damn it). Foreign cars turn me on.
14.) Do you have any pets? My Mom owns all the bloody dogs, but I own a 2 year old Arabian colt named Harley. Thats a horse for you non-equine bafoons.
15.) If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? Denver baby. Just Denver.
16.) Have you ever had someone of the opposite sex sleep over: Yeah. Matt. <33
17.) What dream car do you want your wife to drive: My wife? ...Well, my husband would have to have a foreign car.
18.) What is the last song you listened to on your computer: Motion City Soundtrack "Attractive Today"
19.) Where would you like to go on a first date: The movies I guess.
20.) Would you date the person who posted this before you? Eh?
21.) Has anyone ever sang or played for your personality: What the eff?
22.) Ever been kissed under fireworks? Er.. No.
23.) Do you like President Bush? I'd hire a hitman if I had the cash to pay him and the fee to get me out of jail.
24.) Have you ever bungee jumped? No, I want to.
25.) Have you ever white water rafted? Yes, at Kings Island. xD
26.) Has anyone ten years older ever hit on you? Oh lord yes. It was horrible.
27.) What's your favorite TV Program? LOST. The end.
28.) Done time in the slammer? .. No.
29.) Are you rascist? I don't beleive in that discrimination shit.
30.) What song are you listening to right now? None.
31.) What's your favorite song at the moment? No idea.
32.) What the Last Movie you watched? Hell I don't remember.
33.) Whats the Worst Film you've ever seen? I forgot it. It was that bad.
34.) What the last place you went besides work? School.
35.) Have you ever seriously vandalized someone's property? Omigawd yes. Such an adrenilene rushhh.
36.) Have you ever hit on someone of the opposite sex? Quite a bit.
37.) What's your favorite body part on someone of the opposite sex? Ha. I like girly hands. Not sure why.
38.) What's the first think you notice about the opposite sex? The shoes. I like shoes... and spikey hair.. kind of too much. o___0'
39.) What do you usually order from Starbucks? Er.
40.) What's the last album you've bought? I download. Not buy.
41.) Say something totally "SLAPDASH" about yourself? I can do thisss. ©
42.) Do you have an Ipod? NO. Fuck iPods. I have an iRiver. ;]
43.) Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? When I had long hair someone told me I looked like Baby Spice. o___0''
44.) Favorite Classic Song (Past 1995)- "Pour Some Sugar On Me" Def Leppard
45.) What Langauges can you speak? English, bits and pieces of French and Spanish. Then Sim.
46.) Do you have freckles? No. I have a beauty mark on my wrist though. Its cute.
47.) Are you comfortable with you height? Not really.
48.) Do you like someone right now? Nope.
49.) How tall are you? 5'0
50.) Ever gotten on Stage and played a song for a crowd? Yes. Had to sing it.
51.) Ever Delibertly killed your family in the SIMS? Omigawd yes. I made a huge ass cemetery.
52.) What's the most you've spent in one day? $560 maybe.
53.) Ever ridden in a Limo? Yes quite a few times. We ate pizza in it.
54.) Has anyone close to you ever passed away? All my grandparents.
55.) Do you watch MTV? Never.
56.) What's something that really annoys you? Morons, kids, stupid people, sterotypicals, egotisticals, when my computer breaks, my "car".
57.) What are some thing you really like? Horses, my friends, my PC, and art.
58.) Do you like Micheal Jackson? No. And its Michael.
59.) How much do you spend on Credit a month? Screw credit. I got debit.
60.) Have you ever surfed? Nope.
61.) Do you know how to pump gas? Yeah. Never had to yet.
62.) What's the Latest you've ever stayed out? I don't know. Maybe 3ish.
63.) Have you ever thought you were honestly going to die? Yes, pnemona makes you think that.
64.) Have you ever been rushed to the ambulance to the emergancy room? Yes. Scary shit.
65.) Have you ever been dared to do something you didn't want to do? Yeah, but I don't remember what. Usually something not worth doing.
66.) How many songs are on your WinAmp? Thousands.
67.) What grade on you in? Stupid freshman.
If I don't get comments I'll be upset.