Okay, not quite. This is a side project for my major, the river for the environment.
I suck at programming, but i managed to knock this up myself :D It needs refining... like:
- Deleting the buttons as the get to the end point... it slows the computer right down... theres 500 odd buttons going on through thar...
- Some randomness... like the holes being at different angles, or having 4 holed buttons too. Maybe bigger and smaller?(although this could cause some nasty overlapping and holey issues...)
- More randomness... colours. Blues and greens to contrast with the yellows, oranges, reds, browns in my BBG environment.
- Yes, more randomness, like offsetting when each one goes, so they arent all lined up neatly if you get my meaning :D
I have some other ideas too, and a couple of other tests, but they suck more than this does lol.
I was having a bit of a panic attack with this project, but i think its going to be okay...