Mar 04, 2007 15:18

Okay, not quite. This is a side project for my major, the river for the environment.

I suck at programming, but i managed to knock this up myself :D It needs refining... like:

  1. Deleting the buttons as the get to the end point... it slows the computer right down... theres 500 odd buttons going on through thar...
  2. Some randomness... like the holes being at different angles, or having 4 holed buttons too. Maybe bigger and smaller?(although this could cause some nasty overlapping and holey issues...)
  3. More randomness... colours. Blues and greens to contrast with the yellows, oranges, reds, browns in my BBG environment.
  4. Yes, more randomness, like offsetting when each one goes, so they arent all lined up neatly if you get my meaning :D

I have some other ideas too, and a couple of other tests, but they suck more than this does lol.
I was having a bit of a panic attack with this project, but i think its going to be okay...

innovations, animation, bgg, uni

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