エロイ (if you know what this is, stay; if no, please leave xD)
I would not mention anything outright so please work around me? x33
Came across a 2ch thread about such character songs when I was looking for lyrics for a certain song.
And referring to something that I read on my timeline, reality is harsh. Really. I still remember the one of the characters from House M.D. saying that it's actually quite painful to go through the process. Even in books, romance, to be precise, that what they mostly describe is the emotions or sensations that the characters feel, which I'm sure would more easier to connect that just plain description of their actions. (or else it would be quite off-putting, wouldn't it? D: or left to the devices of your own imagination? XDDD)
Well, I'm sure that otome(s) who recently joined in the fandom are more resistant to such content? xDD (glances at DiaLovers etc)
Not to mention the growing otome of late-teens/early 20s since years back? ww
I joined the bandwagon quite late myself and that was about 4 years ago. I think I took my own time to get used to the idea and the increasing fluency of the language help the process www (I am nowhere fluent but able to get the gist of it w)
Not that I'm any good at listening to them, it's distracting (OMG, I SAID IT) /runs into closet
and additionally, I have no idea what they are doing. I just can't map them out in my mind. Honest!!
Anyways, can't stop listening to the song that I mentioned earlier. It's just like the first time I found it. It was Romanxia's opening theme song for one of the Lucian Bee games. (Which I have no access to. Console games TAT)
It's definitely be difficult to be normal during dinner XDD
For my reference w
http://kohada.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/ggirl/1168064044/ Ah, feeling a little tired.
---And I haven't post it before I went out wwww
More stuff to talk about!
Next entry! ☆