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In other news, Janice came by last weekend and ransacked the place. She's now wanted in 37 states and 49 countries, including Zanzibar.
The Final Fantasy concert was so, so awesome. I can't wait for the next one. I acquired a stalker though. He mostly followed me around and told me how awesome of a Tifa I was. There was a Lulu and Vincent there too. I spent too much money ;_; I wish Yasunori would have something like that. I would have a heart attack if I ever got to see him in person.
I love Nobuo too, of course, especially his sad pieces, like Zanarkand. Hearing that live was.... indescribable. And Matoya's Cave! *shiver* But I must say, between the two, if I had to choose, it's Mitsuda. *Fangirls about*
I went jogging with Angelica in the rain today >.< She wanted to wait it out cause she was convinced it'd go away, but we ended up sopping wet. So we drove to the Riley's residence and harrassed Alex and Katie, followed by an arguement over who was in whos harem and the taking of popsicles.
I've been playin so many videogames... if I get tired of one I just switch to another. I don't even have to get up to either, since I got the ultimate setup. Main games been Y's recently since I got myself unstuck. I just had to level up and I beat the guy in under a minute, so I level up a lot in that game now.
I need an all-region dvd player that's vcd compatible if anyone knows where I can find a cheap one. I also need to find cheap para para videos.
I've been gettin my ass chewed out about not eating enough, or properly, or something. The real problem is gramma hasn't been cooking, and I get slammered anytime I start to cook something by grandpa. Something about I can't eat what we have or something, that I think I have to cook all the time. I have to cook something! Or not eat. Which is usually what ends up happening. The GPs are always having discrepancies like that. Grandpa's gunna have to get over his complaining complex or I'm going to starve T_T
I've been looking at more colleges. Really I'd like to go somewhere other than Texas State. I'd rather not go to a college at all. I want to go to a technical school, but I don't know how I'd fund it. No one wants me to go in to music production, even grandma's started telling me to take business or engineering. I'm totally on my own after I graduate high school apparently. T_T
Everyone check out Tim Burton's new movie
Corpse Bride. It's awesomely cool.