I got a new.. well, not layout. But I put up a new wallpaper! Like it? :D; Anyway,
darkranger tagged me, so I'll post this up.
RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks.
01. I just came back from a place that sold manga books and now I'm reading a new series *well it's not new, but new to me* called Suki.
02. My favourite manga so far is Gravitation. And now I want to watch some of the anime because I don't have all the manga books. ;_;
03. I want to rp really badly right now.
04. I.. am wearing a new shirt I got from Aeropostale? xD;
05. I miss my friends.
06. My..favourite colour is black. And red.
07. I'm somewhat anti-social, but not anywhere near as anti-social as I used to be.
08. The minute I hear the word 'anime' or 'manga' I go on a tangent for several hours, talking about them to whoever said the word.
09. It's unbelievably nice outside for January. Srsly. It's at least 45 or 50 degrees outside. There is absolutely no snow on the ground. x3; And I love it.
10. I really want to watch Gravitation right now. I wish I could have gotten volumes 7-12 of it today.
I can't..think of anyone to tag. T_T;