There are twenty cards under the cut. They each are labeled by numbers. Ten cards have nothing behind them. Yuck, right? However, ten cards have pretty broken deck cards hidden under them. Nine decks will have one card under it. If you pick number one, the deck behind it might be piano. That means you get one random card from the piano deck. If someone else picked the same card, they might get a different number but it will still be a piano card.
There is ONE card however that will give you two different cards from two different broken decks intead of just one! Exciting isn't it? +u+
We'll try this weekly for the first two weeks and if it becomes too hard, I might make it biweekly instead. YOU CAN ONLY PICK ONE NUMBER.
You have until February 15th!
Bonus won by
est_viaranis \o You can go pick two cards from my tradepile, thank you!
If you have questions, let me know~
LAST WEEK'S WINNERS: 20, 7, 4, 10, 13, 12 (number one winnar \o), 3, 8, 19, 16
Edit: Also, if you find broken decks, let the mods know over