Guess the Character Lol I mean 81

Feb 24, 2009 17:51

Celebrate with me guys, I finally finished passing out my game prizes (sans the new game which I'm working on stuff for it!).

So lets celebrate by making this round easy and giving me more work, YEAH. LETS DO IT. It's also to make up the fail for all the late games I've passed out recently

Tell me the names of both characters and get six cards! You HAVE to get both of them, not just one. If you get this right, you get to go for the booonus round that can get you a bronze cert~

BONUS ROUND -dun dun dun-:

This animated gif is a popular meme that's played to a certain song~ What song is it? (Hint: It's not the intro to the series '_'b)

So get it? Two characters name gets six cards. Two characers name plus the song the gif is associated with gets a bronze. Just the song or just one character gets you nothing. :|b

Due March 3rd! Last week's answer was Allegretto from Eternal Sonata!

Any questions, lemme know!

games, guess the character, weekly

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