Oh yes, we're back. Simplified and back to the original brackets, we're going to make some slight changes to how things are run in hopes that we'll not have to deal with lots of downtime again. To begin again, we're starting off with two past winners again:
The Winner
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV (Cowboy Bebop)
20 (52.6%)
The LoserSan (
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Comments 24
Or do her best to try and strangle poor Ed out of (misguided?) frustration at attempting to understand her. ~^__^~
Hm... while Ed might win in an unarmed fight with her flexibility and imagination and lack of restraint, San IS armed with a knife, and so I think she has that advantage.
Good close fight, though.
I think I'm gonna have to go with San on this one. Ed's got that spry "my body doesn't obey the laws of physiognomy" thing going for her, but when she fights she's mostly relying on surprise and agility to win. San is a bona fide warrior with tactical and strategic experience, and, like, 30 experience points apiece in agility, speed, and general toughness. Plus she's got a weapon.
So if they were to fight, San would win.
If they were to fight. But I'm pretty sure Ed wouldn't see any reason to get her shorts in a bunch and would frolick away, leaving San to be the default winner anyway.
Physiognomy, you say...5pts for vocab word, good job!
Anyway, 勉強するの がんばって! ...is that even grammatically correct?
And can I just say, I've missed your Farscape icon.
*Not that she would but the threat alone should be enough to make San throw in the towel.
I think the spirit of this forum is help is kept to just objects (computer and any machine it can control vs. knife) rather than other beings.
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