KENSHIN. XDDD Why? Conrad seems to be quite a powerful swordsman & magic-user in his own right, but Kenshin is not only a powerful swordsman, but if the Battousai happened to come out.. he would be near unbeatable.
Conrad actually can't use magic since he's only half and half and thus great in cake!--oh wait, different kind of half and half. I'm a firm believer that Yozak is the strongest swordsman in KKM but I think Conrad has something in him that, when given the right circumstances, could take on even the Battousai. However, these are two different styles of sword fighting (east vs. west) and I think technique may be what it comes down to.
When originally started, anime_showdown had a bracket system to go through. It was deviated from for a while, but we've returned to that bracket (season 1: human vs human) to find who is the best of the best in that category. So, yes, both of these characters have been in battles before; as have the last 2 battles (and another one earlier than that).
I have to go with a tactical decision here. Conrad is a soldier at heart, used to fighting on a battlefield or directly against his assailants. Himura is a trained assassin, and regardless of how comparable their fighting skills may be, I think that gives him an advantage in this environment.
Comments 10
But Kenshin wins out of sheer superhuman skill, and the fact that his battle scenes are animated better than Conrad's. :D
Though OVA vs. OVA, the animation quality in Kenshin is some of the best I've ever seen.
That being said, I admit, I'm a fan girl.
mmm. That would make sense on the technique issue - it'll be interesting to see who wins in the poll. :)
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