I want RINBU SO MUCH! It's a special so I will claim any TWO cards from new decks for you. Since it's going to eat up 2 of your requesty slots it is only fair that I offer 2. OR I will trade you cards from my trade pile if you want them :) I will trade 2 slots for a gold cert too, since I could get one of the special cards for that.
I'd also like Gibson cards :)
means I've dropped off the cards
My trade pile:
01. Rinbu01 (for me)
02. Gibson01 (for me)
03. Raiser16 for ratiosu
04. Panic10 for ratiosu (in exchange for Rinbu02)
05. Bronco19 for thumbs
06. Break02 for thumbs (in exchange for gold cert) ((rinbu03)
07. Fender19 for kirkland
08. Shujin08 for kirkland (for Rinbu04)
09. hipgig11 for rokeru
10. abyss01 for rokeru (in exchange for gold cert) ((Rinbu05))
11. Asterisk09 for qwertysaur
12. Asterisk09 for qwertysaur second choice? (Rinbu06)
13. Light06 (in trade pile) for chuukoku
14. Fool09 for chuukoku in exchange for Rinbu07
15. Serve13 for Gibson18 for xtiggzie
16. Free05 (for Rinbu08)
17. free = special and worth 2 - Reserved for
kikai7 gackt02, for cagayake something
19. Reserved for
kikai7 malibu01, gibson02
20. Reserved for
kikai7 maps10 for hipgig something