To my darling F4
jaeryun You bring gangsta speak and crack to my life. I don’t really remember when we first met, it sort of just happened and then through a group convo on msn, one of us added the other and BAM! Random random shit on msn. But I’m glad that I’ve added you! Even though I still don’t know a lot about you, I still adore you like no tomorrow. I love our conversations about the utmost random things: Shibrows, tripods, cells, tuition, bees in your room, and just everything under the sun.
When I first got stressed out at uni and was in tears, you may not know it but you were the first person I spoke to about it. You’re awesome and everything and I still get confused with your name D:
korichan Ah Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, you made me remember the square box in my living room, the TV. Actually, it’s more like you reminded me about TV shows! I think I met you in October but even then, it was really just a blur to me! It wasn’t until recently that I actually started to talk to you and leave messages for you. You’ve made me reminisce to my childhood and the happy parts of it. Now this is a big thing cos I hated my childhood and to me, it’s something I’d rather forget but you made me think otherwise.
Batman, House, Passions and horrid reality shows, let us have our hubby conversations for all eternity. I heart you so much and don’t ever stop being a vampire.
suju13 I’ve given you a new hybrid name: Kayl. It just shows that yes, I do remember your real name and basically everything you’ve ever told me. You’re…really something. You’re one of the people who don’t stick to the 2D friendships that people usually get when they meet people on the Internet. You don’t beat around the bush and you get directly to the point without sugar-coating everything. I love that; really I do because it cuts down the time for bullshitting. You speak your mind and you’re not one of the fangirls who just loves everything no matter what. You have an opinion (a crackish one really…but I really shouldn’t be talking).
I love it when you’re happy and porning up some poor person’s LJ so don’t let small things ever get to you because it’s not worth it. Let’s co-write that doppelganger fic and just to let you know, I’m not actually going to call you Kayl.
amine87 Oh where to start? The moment I came back to LJ and started to write again, you were the person who commented and really stood out to me. Maybe it was the icon, maybe it was the long comments but I always saw you around. It got to a point where I would try to post fics at a convenient time for you, basing it on instincts and not actually knowing where you lived or your time zone.
That was before we got married and now that we are, we’re only getting closer and closer and with the more I know about you, the more I love you. During Christmas when we sent each other Christmas cards, you wrote that you hoped to get to know me better in 2009. Well that wish has come true and I love every moment of it.
You are absolutely one of the most amazing people I’ve met. You don’t let things affect you, you stay optimistic and you listen to my problems when there’s so much happening around me. You adapt to things that I would never agree to and you still stay strong *coughreligioncough* I hope that you remain happy in the future and you deserve the best of the best. While you do that, I’ll continue to try to make you happy across seas.
It’s gotten to a point where when I think about it, and I mean really think about it, I don’t actually know a lot about you all. As weird as it may sound, I don’t know a lot about your families, your childhood and just about yourself IRL. I’m not asking for you guys to write an essay about yourselves and post it as a comment (if you do, I’ll bitchslap you…as insensitive as that may sound) but I just find it really nice that we can all get along so well. It warms my heart.
I wasn’t able to put all my feelings into words but you get the idea :3
Okay...that took me 3 tries to post! >:| So now for crack
I drew Draco :D
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