Title: Wake
Fandom- Axis Powers Hetalia/ The Sandman
Rating- Pg
Prompt and Fill -
Here Pairing- Gen
Characters- England, Japan, China, assorted Sandman Characters
A/N- Written for the Kink Meme. This is the first fic I finished for the APH fandom. I'll post this on the APH community eventually
China felt it in his bones right away, when the Kindly ones descended upon the realm of dreams. England witnessed one of his fine china mugs shattering when he poured tea into it as Fiddler's Green was killed. Japan had witnessed a car crash as Death took Dream's hand. All the nations had felt the call to dream when it was time for the Wake.
China looked at the mass of people and gods, glancing up to see the remaining Endless who so chose to stay to their duties, building the house of Rememberance. China's expression looked pained for a moment before he looked down toward the mass of people, including many gods and many of his citizens. So it was Dream. China walked slowly, feeling older than he's felt in many years, as he wandered amoung the other mourners.
England looked around, expecting to see Fiddler's Green as he had so often in his Dreams for many years, and though the visits had stopped briefly and then resumed, there was no sign of him. Rather, England frowned as he saw a funeral procession and his eyes widened as he also noticed a distinct lack of Dream as well, as England looked at the other Endless. England stepped back as things quickly were put together in his mind; china cracking was always an ill omen. As he recalled watching gods, fae and other creatures walk along, his favourite cup had shattered. Not only had Fiddler's Green passed on, as England took stock of who was there, many key figures had also passed on. "What in God's name happened?"
"The Lord Shaper is dead," a female voice said, from behind England. England turned feeling her power and magic, and gave a short nod briefly as he half turned to face the Queen of Faerie herself, Titania. And then his eyes shifted and he took a steadying breath, his pride only allowing himself this brief outburst near any monarchy, or potentially near any other nation.
Japan said nothing as he found himself on a set of stairs. He had been in the midst of a game of Go before he'd felt immensely tired and requested an intermission of the game with his boss, before taking his leave and hopping on a bus for one of his homes in the Shibuya district. It was on this bus he had fallen asleep. Japan recognized the situation immediately, having been to, in his time, he was sure nearly more than his fair share of Funerals.
He just never would have thought that he would be alive to see this one, nor would he have ever hoped to. Japan strode down, feeling his joints ache as he passed gods, humans, and other creatures, before sitting down near a few of the gods that he was familiar with. Japan had always admired Dream's dedication to duty, and it was something he always tried to emulate in his own way. He had always enjoyed the brief conversations he'd had with Dream in his time. Japan sat silently, seeming to listen to some of the gods speak of Dream as he quietly recounted his own memories of him. It had pained him to learn Dream had to rebuild his kingdom much in the fashion Japan himself had to rebuild after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He still knew it would be many years before it was truly safe for anyone to live there again.
And it was in silence and great respect that he went up to the altar to speak when it was his time. He wasn't comfortable doing this, as it truly wasn't his country's way, but he used his discomfort as a stepping stone to go up there.
"It is not my way to speak very much, or to be so direct, but since this is a funeral for someone I have spoken with many times and known for a long time, I will do so if this is what is required of me. Dream has been an important influence in my life for many years. His dedication to duty and rules was something I respected and sought to establish within myself and my citizens. It...pained me to learn of his death and I shall miss him very much, and that is all." Japan bowed, glancing at the envelope he left on the altar and his eyes wavering the slightest bit as he looked at the shroud. "Travel well, Lord," he whispered, stepping back into the veritable sea of lives.
It was in this China made his speech, and all of the other nations took their turn or said nothing. England watched and waited silently. The order seemed fair in that when he felt it was his time, no one else had risen to go to the Altar, so he went. He followed what was in his gut, and felt what he needed to say rise up in him like his magic whenever he used it. He wasn't terribly surprised to hear his old Anglo-Saxon language come from his lips, but got the feeling that because this was a dream, it would be understood anyways.
"I never truly got along with the Lord Shaper, we were too alike in the wrong ways, but I always respected him. And it was in one of his many hearts that I honestly got on with him. But now he is dead, as is that heart, and I am left a miserable old sod who is going to miss talking to him. Because it was in those disagreements and battles with him I had taken strength and I am sure he did the same. And it was in those quiet times and tea I was able to relax and I would hope he was able to as well. I regret not telling him foolish things that cross my mind now, like that he makes the most smashing cups of tea that I have ever dreamed. To thank him for allowing me to visit with my kings and queens of past. To thank him for gifting Shakespeare with words, to thank him for not changing too greatly amidst the turmoil during his captivity. But I won't be able to say those things to him now, and that is my biggest regret." England turned and walked away from the altar, taking a deep breath as he stepped down. He didn't say anything about the envelopes or the small sack on the altar, knowing better than to question a person's funeral rites.
China sat silently through the rest of the wake, thinking on his own words as the building changed to a bridge in the fashion dreams often do. Like Japan, he had admired Dream and conversed with him whenever possible. He recalled many of their conversations and he had felt Dream's absence most keenly during those sixty years. He listened to Death speak, and as she spoke, he recalled what an old sage had said once many years ago, while reciting a tale of a man he met in the desert. That we built our own traps and then backed into them, and that it was always a worthy thing to open cages. China gave a small smile as he watched the boat. "Perhaps old friend, your death was the opening to your cage"
And one by one the nations arose from their sleep. China woke up to a little panda gnawing on his ponytail, and chuckled as he sat up and pulled the panda onto his lap.
England yawned as he looked down at the needlepoint he'd been working on before he'd suddenly fallen asleep, and stretched, moving to go make himself another pot of tea.
Japan blinked drowsily, watching as the bus passed Hachiko, before he reflexively pulled the cord to alert the driver that he wanted to stop. He stretched his legs as he walked to the exit door and stepped out to go visit the grocery. Greece was visiting so he wanted everything ready for his meal.