Reccage of fic

Apr 25, 2011 10:57

Have a random fic rec that I do recommend highly and have been linking to a few friends of mine via msn but I just feel like reccing here too.

Axis Powers Hetalia

Jaywalking - nuitnovembre (nc-17) (FrUK)
If I haven't already recommended their lovely, lovely fic 'Sign a New Agreement with iTunes' consider it also recommended here. Because my goodness, the prose, the moods this author puts you through with these two fics (I have yet to read their other fics yet though I am planning on doing so) are just so well done. Both of these fics made me feel like I was falling in love with the pairing all over again. How these two clash, how they differ, how they hurt each other, how they could be if they could just damn well communicate. How peaceful they could be. Both of these fics have these delightful little things to them, the music mentioned in Jaywalking, Arthur's apartment strewn with sheet music to let the pages breathe for spring cleaning. (The music ranging from Queen to Chopin, to the Beatles to Mozart). The delightful little post-it notes in New Agreement with iTunes. The fics are great little parallels to each other as well, Sign a New Agreement having these two with everything of a relationship happening but the sex, and Jaywalking with the sex and them just missing having the other portions of a relationship (beyond the chemistry) and both are heartbreaking in their own ways.  But so good.

aph, reccage

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