Mahou Sensei Negima!

Jun 03, 2008 02:18

「C H I U」

〖 CHARACTER: Chisama Hasegawa 〗
〖 NAME: Chisame can quickly change into Net Idol Chiu. 〗
〖 LOCATION: tsunderes: cards4 〗


「E J U S」

〖 CHARACTER: Nodoka Miyazaki 〗
〖 NAME: Nodoka gained a picture diary that can read the inner thoughts of people, Pactio: Diarium Ejus. 〗
〖 LOCATION: cards2 〗

〖 MASTERS: lucathia_rykatu, thumbs

「E N S I S」

〖 CHARACTER: Asuna Kagurazaka 〗
〖 NAME: Asuna can summon either a harisen or a sword which is called Pactio: Ensis Exorcizans. 〗
〖 LOCATION: cards2 〗

〖 MASTERS: lilikoifish

「E U R I」

〖 CHARACTER: Konoka Konoe 〗
〖 NAME: An outfit is her artifact, in which has been revealed to heal any injuries, which is called Pactio: Flabellum Euri. 〗
〖 LOCATION: cards2 〗

〖 MASTERS: lilikoifish, engwand

「G O Z A R U」

〖 CHARACTER: Kaede Nagase 〗
〖 NAME: Kaede frequently ends her sentences with "de gozaru". 〗
〖 LOCATION: tsunderes: cards5 〗


「H A N」

〖 NAME: Ku is a Han Chinese girl. 〗
〖 LOCATION: tsunderes: cards6 〗


「M A G E」

〖 CHARACTER: Negi Springfield 〗
〖 NAME: Negi is a skilled mage. 〗
〖 LOCATION: cards4 〗

〖 MASTERS: lianchini, lucathia_rykatu

「N E E D L E」

〖 CHARACTER: Ako Izumi 〗
〖 NAME: Ako's pactio weapon is a huge injection needle. 〗
〖 LOCATION: tsunderes: cards7 〗


「O R B I S」

〖 CHARACTER: Yue Ayase 〗
〖 NAME: Yue's Pactio is called "Orbis Sensualium Pictus". 〗
〖 LOCATION: tsunderes: cards7 〗


「P U E R T O」

〖 CHARACTER: Mana Tatsumiya 〗
〖 NAME: Mana is half Puerto Rican. 〗
〖 LOCATION: tsunderes: cards8 〗


「S H I N S O」

〖 CHARACTER: Evangeline A.K. McDowell 〗
〖 NAME: Initially Evageline had the customary weakness of a vampire towards sunlight and so on that she learned to overcome, becoming a Shinso. 〗
〖 LOCATION: cards5 〗

〖 MASTERS: lilikoifish

「S I C A」

〖 CHARACTER: Setsuna Sakurazaki 〗
〖 NAME: A complementary shōtō, or, wakizashi, is Setsuna's pactio item which is called Sica Shishikushiro. 〗
〖 LOCATION: cards5 〗

〖 MASTERS: lilikoifish, engwand

「T E S S E N」

〖 CHARACTER: Lingshen Chao 〗
〖 NAME: Chao's Armor form transforms her into a martial arts warrior with a metal tessen. 〗
〖 LOCATION: tsunderes: cards9 〗


「W I N D」

〖 CHARACTER: Chachamaru Karakuri 〗
〖 NAME: In order to function normally, she requires a mage to "wind her up" with a spring key once a day. 〗
〖 LOCATION: cards6 〗

〖 MASTERS: lilikoifish, arc_kun

mahou sensei negima!

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