I'm probably one of few who only recently heard of this story...but in case you haven't CHECK IT OUT! I'm seriously thinking about emailing the writer/author and see if she's considered Yaoicon. I know she'd be a hit!
I got the courage and emailed her. I had to rave how much I loved the story and art...and to ask if she's thought about Yaoicon. No reply yet. Not that I really expect one. Seems she answers questions on at the site.
I'm glad you liked it too! yes_rhade is the one who told me about it. She's my pron connection/notifier/advisor. LOL!
I emailed the artist about going to Yaoicon. She said she's thought about it but has to consider the cost - "I can only go to cons where I know I can make back plane tix + hotel registration + food, or be able to take a big hit."
At least she did get back to you. Wondering what part of the country she lives in there are other Cons that maybe she could go to and maybe one around you :)
She lives in Austin, TX. She goes to cons in Dallas and Houston. Would be great if she was at at con when I was down in Houston visiting the Aunt. Dallas, we go there often enough so maybe someday. She'll be there in August - she said in the email but that con is only Webcomics. I'd like to go to one that has animes too.
Comments 19
I got the courage and emailed her. I had to rave how much I loved the story and art...and to ask if she's thought about Yaoicon. No reply yet. Not that I really expect one. Seems she answers questions on at the site.
I agree her extras are great!
I emailed the artist about going to Yaoicon. She said she's thought about it but has to consider the cost - "I can only go to cons where I know I can make back plane tix + hotel registration + food, or be able to take a big hit."
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