An impending and inevitable Cataclysm looms just overhead, approaching until...
Explorer Title, Dungeonmaster, Lore Keeper? Levelling that alt to 78? 68? 58?
...What did YOU want to do before it comes?
(Feel feel to reply! ..with your list. ^^ Unless you already have it somewhere else!)
Here's what I want(ed) to do achieve prior to Cataclysm... aka:
My Pre-Cata To Do List:
[✔] Think this list through again: Do all of these have to / need to be achieved before Cataclysm?
[✔] Maybe differentiate some/how those that can be obtained later too?
[✔] Classic Dungeon Master Achievement (I'd like it for ALL my chars, but... I guess any ONE would do?)
[✔] Outland Dungeon Master Achievement maybe? (not sure of the changes for Outland in Cataclysm)
[✔] Classic / Outland Raider
[✔] Get my Grinder DK's professions to Outland levels! (Blizzard fixed them, can grind again!)
[✔] Level Warlock to Outland.
[✔] Raise Warlock's professions to Outland levels.
[✔] Raise Shaman's Enchanting to get Ring Enchants!
[✔] Level Shaman to level 70+, for Northrend but also to...
[✔] ...Heal any one TBC raid! =)
[✔] ...And/or heal Karazhan.
[✔] Learn ANY one pattern that requires [
Frozen Orb]s, any profession (Flying Carpet doesn't count.)
[✔] Edit & update my personal, characters' and Guild's old wikipages ("bye bye")
[✔] Transfer my Tankadin &rarr Saurfang. (No credit card of my own, can't ask for parents' again this soon...)
[✔] Faction change Tankadin → Horde? (See above.)
[✔] Level Nathira to 74 &rarr Portal: Dalaran (For future reference, hmm?)
[✔] The Kingslayer title would be nice, but a bit unrealistic atm/anymore? (Tankadin or Ranzi?)
[✔] Get the Feat of Strength [
Tripping the Rifts] for any one character.
[✔] Get the Feat of Strength of getting killed by Deathwing xD
[✔] = Needs to be done still.
[✔] = Done, yay!