Fic: Irate Wives and Navy SEALs

Jun 27, 2012 13:19

Fandom: Hawaii 5-0
Rating: PG
Pairing/Characters: Steve/Danno, Chin, Kono, SEALs
Warnings: It's a coming out story, so if that topic is difficult you might want to rethink reading, though this particular story is very undramatic.
Words: 2294
Notes: Beta'd by the very awesome columbine-and-asphodel, who is on Ao3 and My first H50, posted also at ( Read more... )

coming out, fanfiction, steve/danny, humor, family and friendship, hawaii 5-0

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Comments 14

bymagajones July 6 2012, 16:53:17 UTC
I really like the way you portrayed Steve's relationship with his fellow SEALs. Granted, I have no first-hand knowledge except for the men around me, but this really felt realistic, both the way they talked about (and around) things and Steve's worry about their reactions. Your putting the actual scenes between Danny and Steve in the background and focusing on Steve's relationship with his fellow SEALs is a unique take, one I appreciated and enjoyed.

My favorite quote: "Some things are hard, some things are easy, and some things just happen."


animesiren July 6 2012, 17:23:19 UTC
Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I'm glad you liked that specific line. I think it's definitely accurate when talking about our Five-0 friends.


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