
Apr 20, 2005 18:06

So yea i just got in from playing football with some kids down the street. My team won 10-4....and i almost got into a fight with some kid... but yea..

Last weeked was prom and that was pretty sweet but first i gotta tell you about friday night. Chris Thill, Kiddie Poole, and me were on our way to the mall driving down horizon and about to turn ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

datokenhooligan April 20 2005, 16:25:26 UTC
man, i really wish i was at the game, but things came up. but i'm glad i went to a few. good times. we gotta hang out sometime, kid. and who's this girl you seem to keep referring to in your quotes in your posts? well, i guess you'll have to tell me incogneto aka not on LJ.


timmmmm anonymous April 20 2005, 18:03:26 UTC
hey its mel....anyways you need to get a myspace big kid. well have an awesome day. bye buddy


emishu April 21 2005, 15:35:49 UTC
Thanks so much for coming on Tuesday Tim, I really appreciate it, and I was glad to see you too! :)


alphabetsoup78 April 22 2005, 15:52:24 UTC
thanks so much for all the amazing icecream and smoothies you served me. you're practically the best at it. i keep forgetting to bring you your tips. sometime soon i promise. or at least i hope. have an amazing weekend. be safe. make good choices.


you know me anonymous May 14 2005, 21:41:56 UTC
I want you to know that I want this to work...I'll do anything to make it work


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