
Feb 17, 2005 15:47

I guess im taking a break from girls for a while...Things just aren't working out the way i had hoped ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

jellykelly06 February 17 2005, 16:57:44 UTC
umm memory of tim... god i've known you since like 6th grade..
what was your mrs. neal nickname? mine was high priestess and brendan roper was speedy...

But most of all, I remember you as the mascot in 8th grade. Whenever I went to the games with my friends I called you Tim the Mascot, and I think Kristin still knows you by that haha!

Then once we got in highschool, you, Tom and Darrick (sp?) were all in my bio class with mrs. hardy. good times. good times.


allikat71 February 18 2005, 16:59:20 UTC
well you'd think we'd have some for knowin each other for what 4 seasons of stuff now
aw well
ill go with that time on 1 of those tuesday/thursday summer runs at suwanne and cici's afterwards when you n tadd n bryan n all yawl were talkin with chuck and he was showin yawl all that random crap he keeps in his trunk.. that was funny. mad props for you/yawl bein nice to him. seriously.


jellykelly06 February 19 2005, 07:52:12 UTC
WAIT i thought of another memory thanks to the Taylor Day dance.

That time in 8th grade when you, blake, evan, and brett(?) did your lang. arts pop up video to NSYNC's "Pop" Oh my gosh that was sooo funny. I wonder if Mr. Clements still has the tape.


lauren102 February 20 2005, 15:32:47 UTC
my favorite memory:

when you were really pissed off at the brookwood meet and you listened to the random advice i had about sticking with it and blah blah blah...and then you went up and swam the best event ever.

and when i wrote you that check for $4.73

and when you gave me those crayons when i needed them the most

(ps....thank you so much for that text message this weekend...youre awesome)


mel_loves_you February 22 2005, 17:48:25 UTC
Hey Tim,
I'm thinking that our fondest memory was probably that time at Jullian's trivia night when we determined that we didn't hate each other. yeah, that was good.


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