((OOC - Application))

Jul 21, 2020 21:35

In-Character Information
Name : Hal Emmerich (Otacon)
Game/Series: Metal Gear Solid
Canon Point: After riding off in the sunset of the snowmobile in the alternate ending to Metal Gear Solid 1
Age & Teaching Position: 25 (born 1980, taken from 2005 event). Teaches Driver's Education & takes care of the Computer Repairs. He is also a part-time student.
Living Arrangements: His teacher's dorm room.

Extremely brilliant but somewhat detracted from the simplicities of normal life, Otacon can easily come off as a goofball with terrible manners. Sheltered and keeping mostly to himself for most of his life, he has only recently started to socialize with others. His brilliance earned him degrees in four fields, masters and doctorates from two schools in the United States before the age of twenty-two. A fact that is even more amazing considering his high school education was completed by online courses following his departure from home.

Emotions run deep in him, despite his lack of social grace. Past guilt will forever continue to haunt his mind, no matter how little can be done about it now. Allowing himself to be tricked into building REX as a war machine and the traumatic event involving his stepmother, father and Emma has left Otacon somewhat bitter of his past history. He said it so himself - his family has always been plagued by dark history. He is, however, trying to turn a new leaf, and by the end of the events at Shadow Moses, he is determined to open up more to others and learn about psychology and human interaction. This is, of course, only the first step in a long journey. With a place like Smash Academy for him to learn, it won't always be pretty. His lack of understanding the human psyche is especially apparent when he quotes proverbs or tries to explain a book's meaning. He tends to completely pass over the intended message and form something new which, logically seems to make sense but is completely out of the blue.

He's a pacifist first and foremost, preferring to let others do the fighting. That doesn't mean he won't do his best to help out his friends; when the situation turned for the worst on Shadow Moses, Otacon took the commands of the jeep so they could escape and drove it with surprising grace and calm considering the extremely dangerous situation. Yet he also tends to be accident prone and a klutz, tripping and falling down at the worst of times. He can be a bit too trusting of others; his friendship with Snake started out rather abruptly after all, as well as his love for Wolf, seeing past all of her crimes. Otacon doesn't think anyone is completely evil, and he believes in the HEART OF THE CARDS. Which brings up another subject; anime.

Keeping to himself and needing a few hobbies, Otacon began love japanese animation since he was in university and it grew to fully embraced it, going to conventions and participating in early online group discussions. It was his love of robot mecha which drew him into his fields of choice and caused him to end up working for ArmsTech to develop Metal Gear REX. This hobby also gave rise to his 'code' name; Otacon (A portmanteau of Otaku and Convention). Much like his father before him but for entirely different reasons, Otacon hated his birth named and prefers to be called by this one. To know Otacon's true name means you've earned his trust.

What might seem like malicious acts at first are really caused by the man's own curiosity and thirst for knowledge. He can hack into computers with ease and will sometimes do so just to find out more about the person, not to use the knowledge against them or for ill gain. When threatened or asked about what he did, he tends to freeze like a deer caught in the headlights, stutter and trying his best to explain, not sure how he can.

Hal was born to Huey and (perhaps) a certain Doctor that had a Strange love (debate about Otacon's mother continues forever). His name came from HAL 9000, a character in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey which his father enjoyed. Whoever his mother was, Otacon lived a relatively peaceful early life until his father divorced his first wife and remarried a British woman, Julie Danziger. Then things started to get complicated and eventually took a turn for the tragic.

Moving to another house and neighbourhood didn't deter Hal too much, and then there was Emma, Julie's own child. The two of them became very close, and Emma developed an infatuation with him. Around the time when Otacon was fourteen, his stepmother seduced him, and Otacon, unused to the attention, more than easily gave in and they had an affair. It was an act that he would regret all of his life, especially the consequences afterwards.

When Huey learned about his son and wife's affair, he committed suicide by launching himself out of his wheelchair drowning himself in their family pool, and in his deranged state dragged Emma with him. As she screamed out for her step-brother to save her, Otacon heard nothing, being in bed with his stepmother at the time. This caused Emma to start hating him, and her own fear of water.

Unable to face the results his own actions, Hal ran away and didn't see his step-family again until much later. Due to his ever-changing locations, he dropped out of the school his father had enrolled him in, but perused his studies online. His brilliant mind and rigorous studies finally earned him the right to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at an early age, and so he to the dorms, studying and becoming a shut in. He even managed to hold additional Bachelor's and Master's Degrees from Princeton University. This was also where developed a huge appreciation for anime, going to conventions whenever he could.

His remarkable computer and engineering skills caught the attention of the FBI, and was offered to join the Engineering Research Facility. He lasted a year, but his own curiosity and slight paranoia about the organization he was in made Hal start monitoring and hacking into the government's databases. After being caught, but not wanting the story to break out, he was politely asked to leave, which is to say he was forced out and told to keep quiet, OR ELSE.

He returned to his studies, but was approached by ArmsTech to work with them. The pay was excellent, and Otacon jumped at the offer to develop new technologies. He was one of the people responsible for the stealth camouflage, and later was promoted as the lead engineer for the Metal Gear REX project. This, more than anything else, excited Otacon since he now had a for-real chance of creating a mecha-robot that would be used for peaceful purposes only. OR SO HE THOUGHT. What little he knew was that REX was the first prototype of what could become a series of nuclear doomsday weapons.

He would have never found out, of course, if there hadn't been a rebellion in which Liquid Snake and FOXHOUND took over the base. Forced to continue to work on the project, but still completely in the dark about the real purpose of REX, Otacon did as he was told and simply hoped for the best as one would in a hostage situation. He even fell in love with one of his kidnappers, Sniper Wolf. He would feed the wolves whenever the woman would let him do so, and she even gave him a handkerchief which Otacon took as a sign that she liked him back. It wasn't an ideal life, but considering how many of his compatriots had already been killed, he counted himself lucky to be alive at all.

Eventually Hal encountered Solid Snake in a very traumatic event which caused him to hurt his leg and pee on the floor (another action which he would later hate himself for doing). He then finally learned what his creation's true purpose was. Incredibly distraught, he offered his aid to the legendary soldier to stop REX. Using his stealth camouflage to move around the base mostly undetected, he helped the other man thoughtout the mission . He ended being no help, however, when Snake gave in to Ocelot's rigorous torture. A series of terrible accidents followed; Snake eventually had to kill Sniper Wolf and Otacon, devastated, tried to come to terms with this and what he was living his life for. Unknown to him, Snake would have to make a similar situation when Meryl died in his arms. The two men continued to work together and eventually Snake was able to destroy Metal Gear REX (but no before battling his own brother shirtless on top of it). As they learned that there was a nuclear strike planned on the island, Otacon and Snake drove off in a jeep in order to escape the base. They were threatened by Liquid once again, who finally died. The order to bomb the base was called off and the island was saved, and as they made their final exit, Otacon rolled down a snowy hill in the least graceful manner.

As both men realized they had lost people they had cared about, both decided to turn a new leaf with their lives, and finally told each other their real names; David and Hal. Finding the situation funny, David proposed they go to Jupiter one day. Both men climbed on a snowmobile and left Alaska...when suddenly Otacon found himself inside a locker much like when Grey Fox had attacked and fell out, still bruised and confused about the events at Shadow Moses. And now surrounded by odd students that looked like they came right out of his animes.

Eventually he would find out about the Snake living here, the fact five years had passed and the fact Meryl had survived after all...did that mean Sniper Wolf might be out there too?

Anything Else?:
* His codec's battery ran out at the end of the game, so it's currently nonfunctional. He will repair it as soon as he can and has the funds. His codec number is 141.12.

* If Otacon ever breaks the 4th wall like in the games (save your game, oh no it's blue ray), it will be done with mun consent and played as a joke more so than anything serious (much like the series).

* He mutilates proverbs and book meanings. He prefers the simple elegance of numbers.

* Earned his Phd at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Mechanical Engineering (Program 2) at the age of twenty. Also holds the following Princeton Degrees: Computer Science, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering & Electrical Engineering.

* Otacon developed a distaste for swimming. Too many bad memories are involved. It's going to take someone special for him to even think about doing it again.

* Because this Otacon's events are somewhat of an anomaly (the 'bad' ending), he will have great trouble to return to his time unlike other characters.


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