So I just found out about, and have been entertaing myself with the things I've downloaded off of it. <-- He did a great job. And it's all Horde. yeehaw <-- I thought this was cute. It's a Night Elf Druid (even though I personally want them all to die ;D) in one of our (er, as a druid myself) cat forms basically walking around. No fighting in this one.
This is for the people that have seen the really pretty pretty World of Warcraft opening cinema. The asian players (specifically Korean?) made a more Horde-ish version. All things considered, they did a really great job paralleling. Ha ha ha. <-- A Horde guild forms a parade from Orgrimmar (Horde capital city) to Stormwind (human city) Of course when they get to the other side it's a fight. Ha ha ha
Ok, last minute video to tack on.
It's Alliance... *shudder* Basically they went to the 3 Horde capital cities (saving the best for last of course) and killed Lady Sylvanas (the Horde's very own corrupted elven leader), Cairne (the Tauren chief, who preaches about nature, ancenstors and harmony and is sort of on the easy side to kill... considering I saw a video with 5 players doing it, and even they couldn't brag) and finally, they went to Orgrimmar to kill Thrall. Notice after they kill Cairne you see the tauren guards go after them -then-! (definitely one of the reasons he's easy to kill: while Thunder Bluff is a neat city, the defense design is god awful and Cairne can even just be lead off the damn mountain)
I only really saw Horde players coming in to defend at the last minute. Why? The creator explains at the end. However, she fails to mention that there are 1000x more Alliance players on their server (I'll bet that's the case anyway) Alliance -always- has more players, because their players suck/wanttolookcool/suck/wanteasywins.
However, the video was well-made too. I'll give some credit there...