(no subject)

Dec 07, 2009 00:32

In Character Information

character name: Lucy Stillman
Fandom: Assassin's Creed
Timeline: Post-Assassin's Creed II
character's age: Lucy is probably between 25 and 27. She went and studied at a university until she was at least 21, and then had some time before her first job to constantly be rejected from everywhere she applied for. She then worked at Abstergo for three years, so that would put her at about 25.

canon powers, skills, pets and equipment: Lucy is extremely intelligent. She is a genetic-memory researcher who has probably gone to a prestigious college in order to get a degree in such a field, and to make her mark on the scientific world. How much of this is just a ploy for information in contrast to her simply making an effort is unknown. She was employed by Abstergo Industries as a researcher and operator of the Animus until they discovered who she was. Then, she was held as a prisoner until they could get the answers they needed out of both her and Desmond.

Lucy is also known as one of the Assassins. While she may not be as stong or agile as any of the Assassins actually out fighting, she can certainly hold her own in a battle of over five armed guards. She's quick, she's perceptive, and she's lithe, capable of moving herself around her opponents quickly. She's shown to be capable of using basic weapons, but she could have possibly been trained from birth like all of the other blood-assassins, and has knowledge of how to use a hidden blade, gun, and various other weapons. This is more than likely, but the extent of this is unknown.

While it is confirmed that she is an Assassin, her actual "powers" are not described. She does not appear to have Eagle Vision like Desmond does, as she cannot see some of the things he does, but he didn't have it until he stepped into the Animus. In addition, it is never said if Lucy has ancestors from the Assassins like Desmond does; it's possible she does, meaning she could potentially become more powerful were she to step into the Animus and synchronize with her ancestor. She would not do this, however. She's seen what the Bleeding Effect has done to Subject 16 and Desmond, and she's one of the few who knows the Animus and how to operate it perfectly.

She was last seen holding a guard rod and fighting off several guards. She does not have any of her notes with her, but she'll be able to remember most of them.

non-canon powers: None

canon history: Nothing is known about Lucy until she began going to university, but it can be assumed that she either aligned herself with the Assassins earlier in life, or she was born as one of them, leaving for unknown reasons. At the university level, She showed a great deal of intelligence and studied a great deal on genetic memory. In her time at college, many people shunned her for her theories and beliefs, which more than likely consisted of the belief that memories pass on through a person's genetic legacy. When she graduated, no one would hire her for these very beliefs, until one day she was approached by Warren Vidic of Abstergo Industries. He agreed with her theories and offered her a job where she would be able to prove these theories correct. In order to spy on Abstergo, she began working on the Animus Project, creating a machine that would be able to take one's genetic memory and turn it into a simulation that would allow the user to interact with those memories as the ancestor.

Eventually, however, Lucy began itching to let the truth out about the Animus Project; subjects were being taken with no will of their own to be used as lab rats on the machine to test it out. They would soon go insane and die, or kill themselves, from the stress of the machine. When she attempted to get the word out, Abstergo tried to silence her. Warren Vidic stepped in and saved her, but she became a prisoner in her own work place, working solely for them until they tired of her or until she outlived her usefulness. Her life belonged to Vidic for saving her.

She eventually learned about her predecessor from the work force, a woman named Leila. Leila had a relationship with a man named Neumann, of whom no record exists in the game. Leila passed away shortly before Lucy was hired, and she was curious to know what had happened. Based on the events of Assassin's Creed II, it can be assumed that Neumann was Subject 16, and Leila was the operator of the Animus who worked with him. However, not only is this not confirmed, but the timeline seems strange; Lucy, too, knew Subject 16, and worked with him. Vidic worked with Subject 16 and eventually pushed him too far. He drained himself, and another, of blood and used it to paint the bedroom where subjects would be detained and also the main room. He lined the walls and floors with clues to what he had seen in the Animus after his several sessions, eventually going mad and killing himself.

As far as Leila is concerned, Lucy was told that she killed herself. She was also told to drop the subject, making the circumstances very estranged and curious.

Soon after, Desmond was kidnapped. He was brought to Abstergo and put into the Animus, and his testing began. Lucy became increasingly concerned as Vidic kept pushing him, eventually forcing the man to stop and let Desmond rest. The damage, however, was done; Desmond was beginning to experience the Bleeding Effect, gaining some powers from his Assassin ancestors. Still, Lucy did her best to encourage him to perservere, and she kept Vidic from making matters worse. She contacted the Assassins in a hidden message and told them that she needed to be rescued, that Abstergo was closing in on the Piece of Eden, and that Desmond was in danger. They told them they were coming...but the battle ended poorly. Most, if not all, of the Assassins were killed; Vidic even says they're gone, but some may have gotten away.

The heads of Abstergo almost got rid of Desmond, but he was saved at the last moment by Lucy, who convinced them to keep him alive and well. She assured Desmond that she was a friend...and that she would do her best to help him. Some days later, she came for him, taking the Memory Core of the Animus and escaping with Desmond. She took him to an Assassin's hideaway, introducing him to her friends Shaun and Rebecca, also Assassins. They continued work in the Animus, but took extra precautions, and did as much as they could to locate more Pieces of Eden to stop the Templars. Lucy took Desmond's training under her wing, allowing the Bleeding Effect to teach him what he needed to know, and simply instructing him if he needed it, making sure he practiced.

As more Assassin teams began to die, their search turned frantic, until they continued through Desmond's memories and found an encrypted message from Minerva, one of Those Who Came Before. She told them of mankind's past, of their great wars, and how disaster was to strike humanity again. A solar flare was coming soon, and that would wipe everything out. Those Who Came Before were all wiped out, or so it was implied, but they knew Desmond would be coming for the information. Speaking through Ezio, they assured that Desmond needed to get the message, and disappeared.

Abstergo, and the Templars, found their hideaway and Lucy and Desmond confronted them, fighting through them all. Vidic, who came in the hopes of bringing Desmond (and possibly Lucy) back to Abstergo. They chased him off while Shaun and Rebecca loaded up the truck with their things, and they escaped, heading into the mountains with the Animus, allowing Desmond back in to keep searching for clues.

personality: Lucy is an extremely intelligent young woman who has her heart set in the right place. She's gone through hell and back for her beliefs, and whether or not they're beliefs ingrained in her since birth doesn't matter. She believes in the greater good, that sacrificing things so others may be safe is important, and that she isn't above anyone else. As the Assassins are, she is just a normal person trying to create balance in the world.

From what's seen in game, she's a kind individual, albeit reserved. The first game showed her as being rather quiet, calm, and to the point. She did her job, made her opinion known, and did her work. However, this was mostly because she was being kept as a prisoner, and was being watched for all possible signs of treachery.

In reality, Lucy is a nice woman. She cares about other people, her fellow brethren and innocents, and doesn't want them to see them hurt. She's cautious, taking calculated risks only when necessary, but is smart enough to know her way in and out of problems and how to take them on the best way. What we've seen of her in the second game shows a woman who isn't afraid to take matters into her own hands and correct things, despite the cost to herself. She will never compromise the Brotherhood (a rule of theirs), but will do all she can to make sure no one gets hurt in the process of doing what needs to be done. Unnecessary risks, mess, or issues are not an option.

In both games, there's been hints of an abrasive and blunt side of her, cursing and being very firm about what needs to be done and how she feels about a situation. She snaps at Vidic in the first game, bringing to his attention how she's helped him again and again. When helping Desmond escape, she curses several times in her frustration, but doesn't get distracted from what she's doing. It's that cool under pressure side of her that seems almost icy when she's angry, becoming almost a protective shell for the woman she shows to those she trusts.

*application, *ooc

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