So it's been tons of time since I posted anything.
I suppose life has been keeping me busy and distracted from typing out too many of my thoughts.
Plus I've been hanging out with my friend Thom-Lynx a lot and he and I usually have very indepth conversations. So I have had so much verbal space to get my thoughts out this place has fell by the wayside.
Sad story.
Um - update?
The holiday season is upon us and while I put in a bunch of hours on Thanksgiving I get Christmas day and the day after off. This makes me insanely happy as it means I get to see my family. I even have been knitting a bit to get ready for people to have things from me. Also, it has come to my attention that I should probably get some circular needles as it would make my projects look super cooler. So, there's that idea.
I have been viciously writing with my cohort
daisycm83 and it is working out splendidly! We are ahead on posting and have three new ficlets in the series in the works. PS people REALLY love stitches. It amazes me on a weekly basis with the reviews and excitement our posts are met with. My thanks goes out to all of them.
Um, on an interpersonal note I have been doing a LOT of thinking about where I'm going and what life has brought to my attention. I am really focusing on living *in* the moment as opposed to so far in the future.
It has also recently come to my attention that my flying through high school, college, and then a relationship were not the best way to try to accomplish any sort of life list. To clarify I will expand by admitting that while I was a young child I couldn't wait to get into high school (I was homeschooled up through 8th grade). Then after a year of high school I couldn't wait to get out of there. In Washington State we have Running Start which allows students in grade 11 to dual enroll in a community college. and thus my high school/college education began. Then I went to a four year college and couldn't wait to graduate from there. And in the meantime I got in a really dysfunctional 3 year relationship because I wanted to be done looking/waiting for the love of my life. I realize that when I got all those things I wanted I didn't have hardly any of the maturity to handle any of it! I have a sad and lengthy job history. In fact, the job I have now is the FIRST one I've had for more than a year. And I'm just pushing a year as is. As for relationships...that is whole big story in and of itself. But I can surely admit that the next time around I will be much better versed in what I want and don't want in a partner. Now, I'm also fully aware that I will probably get a lot of those wrong at first or at least confused. I mean...hell..I'm still a young whipper snapper and have so many years left to fill with stuff. *sigh* I also still don't have the maturity I need to handle a lot of life, but I hope I start handling life is a somewhat more mature manner from this point forward. Hah. Funny thing is that I have *no* idea what that means.
However I have started to have that "Gosh I really don't want to be single when I'm 30" thought. It's cool, I talked to God about it and He knows what's up. That is good because I have no idea.
On a really cool topic, the end of an era of my life is in sight. let me explain:
I got my first credit card when I was still living with my folks and right before I took off for College (that would have made me 18.) Well, when I got to college - with no real idea of how credit cards worked - I ended up putting a lot of stupid and irresponsible things on this credit card. Not only that, but I used it to facilitate a really dumb chemical habit I managed to get sucked into my Junior year ofcollege because hey - did you know that some dealers take credit cards? There are also just a lot of really lame and impulsive/irresponsible purchases on this card.
Well, at this point I have less than a year or so to pay on this card (pending I don't lose my job or get hospitalized or what not.)
I really think that when I get this debt I acrewed so young paid off that it will really be like closing a book or a door on a section of my life. Seeing the end as an accomplishable goal is...really awesome. And it feels amazing.
So, despite a TON of changes I have recently had in my life, things are much better than I would have expected.
Goals for the future:
Grad School at UBC in Vancouver, BC (This is a 5-6 year goal)
Visit Christi at some point in the next 6 months.
Pay off debt from one of the most stupid times of my life thus far.
Clean up the backyard
Write Stitches
Go to Church for free food and a decent bible study
See my family!