Woah Sunday TV Just Rocked My World

Dec 05, 2011 05:09

Woah-lee-cow, Batman. I just don't know how to feel about everything going on in my head post tv time. Once Upon a Time...eh. only okay for me. The Good Wife: OMG! Amazing. Lost Girl - WTF! Crazy Awesome Fun! And now I shall regall you with scattered fangirl! thoughts. Okay. Okay. I mean, really, okay. So, Lauren is all losing her shit really stupidly. I get that she is having personal issues...I get that she is walking a very thin, isolated line. I get that The Ash is a total D-bag. (I really hate that disembodied head carrying freak of a fae) but freaking out in front of The Ash in such a manner...did she really think he wouldn't just lock her away? Honestly, I am surprised she is still alive! If this show has shouted anything at the audience it has been that humans are expendable and worthless to Fae. Food, actually, is how they like to put it. So, what is so special about Lauren and all the Fae secrets she carries around that is keeping the Ash from just offing her? Something. That's what it is. And believe you me, I do not want Lauren to die. No. No. No. Why Bo didn't over hear Lauren screaming and then run to her rescue is beyond me. (shut up. Totally possible despite being sappily romantic). Side note, I always love Kenzi. She makes me laugh. I completely understand Bo's inclination to befriend Kiara too. She does seem lonely and Bo is such a sucker for the weak and down trod. It may be one of the reasons I love her so. That and the occasional naked. Definitely. So, anyway, Kiara has a new friend! And Bo even set boundaries with her. Love it. There was a bit too much Dyson for my taste (meaning it was a bit more of a cop show episode than I care for) but it was good to see him consistently respecting Bo's request to try to be friends. Also, my Lauren/Bo shipping heart was pleased to see him make out with someone NOT Bo. Yay! Lastly, Hale and Kenz...let's get that going, okay? Because they are OMG! Cute. Is anyone else tired of Kalinda and Alicia not being friends? I am so over Alicia caring who Kalinda slept with prior to knowing Alicia. Get pissed at Peter all you want. He is a total, cheating tool after all. But to care so much that Kalinda slept with her then husband....sigh. get over it, already. It was recently brought to my attention that Kalinda and Alicia are a legitimate ship for The Good Wife. (I love when f/f takes over tv!) I must admit, I was too blinded by the Alicia/Will that I didn't even go there. But now...now I can totally see it. My overly romantic brain now thinks Kalinda is pining after Alicia. And Alicia is just...wack-a-doodle. She must have conflicted feelings for Will. Which makes me want to smack her. She feels like Will and her is a distraction? Lady, humans need down time. They need play time and sexy time and not being at work or with your kids time. Alicia! There is more to life than kids and work. And okay, yes, be traumatized at Grace's unexplained disappearance and regular teenager behavior. Sure. Weird dreams and energy and paranoia will do that to a person. But getting rid of Will instead of making him more a part of your life by introducing him to your kids or inviting him over for dinner...no no no. It is just too mature of an idea to contemplate. Just stick your head in the sand and wait for those strange, warm, fuzzy feelings to pass. *facepalm* And Kalinda...GIRL...What are you playing at with the whole 'dont tell your mom I found you.'. Silliness. What is this? Middle school? While this episode was fun - I love when Marty Mcfly comes to visit - it really played the ethos and pathos wagon cards, I feel. Eli, I love you. Will, I'm sorry! And I believe you when you say there is nothing to find as far as corruption over basketball goes. You just aren't that kind of guy. Over all: Maturity Fail. But who wants to watch mature adults handling situations maturely? Oh, wait, I do. Life still continues peacefully outside of teevee land. Now I am off to watch Leverage. I have low expectations - it is a popcorn show for me, not to be taken seriously at all. The. End.

the good wife, lost girl, tv

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