A is for the Architect; he's always watching you
The letter B's for Bane, because Smith's in the real world too.
C is for the Oracle's cookies, good enough for me
The letter D's the one that starts off Neo's destiny.
E is for the energy that AI needs so badly
Hence they dump us into fields and feed off ours gladly.
G is for the goop that real world folks eat everyday
(Though most were dirt-poor hackers, and they're used to food that way.)
I is for illusion; the whole Matrix is a big one
The letter J's for jacking-in when you get sick of Zion.
K is for the kung-fu Neo thought he knew a lot of
But then he fought with Morpheus, and ol' baldy pwned him. Sort of.
L is for the Logos that got flown to Machine City
And for Link; turns out Tank died and got replaced. A pity.
M is for Morpheus, the dark one with no hair
N is for Neo, who'd rather be elsewhere.
O is for the Oracle, who likes her food and candy
P is for the pods where we are grown, and Persephone
Q is for the question that through all three films persists
R is for reality, if such a thing exists.
S is Smith and Squiddies: both bad things, like Slytherin
The letter T's for Trinity, who's known to some as Trin.
U is for unplugged, whereupon you finally can be free
V for Neo's vomit; he no like reality.
W is for Whoa, 'cause that one word just says it all
X is for... uh, xylophones. You can buy 'em at the mall.
Y is for Yoda, from another trilogy
And lastly, Z for Zion: last home of humanity.
The End.
Written on the night of 8th April 2007, from 8:40-9:30 pm. Happy Easter, everyone.
And if anyone's interested:
Hitchhiker's ABCs (I think that one was better.)