(no subject)

Sep 10, 2010 13:22

 I don't want to read for class

Spell your name out in songs.
Almost Here - The Academy Is...
Sexy Bitch - David Guetta
Happiness - Super Junior
Lucifer - Shinee
Earth Song - Michael Jackson

- Name: Ashley
- Birth date: January 17, 1991
- Nickname: Mr. Cool Guy.
- Eye Color: blue or grey or green ~_~
- Hair Color: red. for now.
- Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

- The shoes you wore today: giraffe flats. I wear them all the time cause they're easy but I need to get better ones.
- Your weakness(es): no patience AT ALL.
- Your fear(s): murderers, centipedes and wasps.
- Your perfect pizza: all crust ~_~
- Goal you’d like to achieve: grow wings

- Your best physical feature? idk my eyes? they're alright.
- Your bedtime? early because school makes me sleepy
- Most missed memory? hm. idk. happy times from high school. I'm still convinced my best friends then will be the best I ever had & I won't make friends like them again, but I hardly ever see them anymore. I only talk to one of them pretty regularly now.

This Or That...
- Pepsi or Coke?: Coke
- McDonald’s or Burger King: MCNUGZ R MY LIFE
- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton ok
- Chocolate or Vanilla: TWIST
- Cappuccino or coffee: coffee yuymymmmmm

Do You...
- Curse: not really?
- Sing: all the time & probably not that well
- Dance: you might call it that but you'd be wrong
- Take a shower everyday: NO. usually every other day actually
- Have a crush: meh
- Do you think you’ve been in love? idk
- Want to go to college: there now
- Like(d) high school: for the most part, yes
- Want to get married: maybe, if it's in vegas.
- Get motion sickness: not really, when I was a kid I did all the time
- Think you’re attractive: sometimes
- Think you’re a health freak: not at all
- Get along with your parents: yep!

In the past month...
- Gone to the mall: Yes
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No
- Eaten Sushi: nope
- Been on stage: No
- Gone skating: No
- Made homemade cookies: No, my sister did & I ate them
- Gone skinny dipping: No
- Stolen anything: No

- Played a game that required removal of clothing: No
- If so, was it mixed company:
- Flashed anyone: No
- Been beaten up: by my EVIL SISTER
- Shoplifted: I don't think I have

- Age you hope to be married: don't care
- Number of Children: if any, one.
- Describe your Dream Wedding: vegas, drunk, glittery.

In a boyfriend/girlfriend...
- Best eye color?: Don't care
- Best hair color?: Don't care
- Short hair or long hair? Don't care
- Height: Taller than me but even jonghyun is taller than me so it's easy

- Number of people I could trust with my life: hmmmm. I'd say it's gotten bigger. my family + 2 or 3 more.
- Number of tattoos: one
- Number of piercings: eleven

Who were you with yesterday? UMM. oh I saw people in classes but then I got sick & spent the day in my room sucking. & I ate dinner with 2 of my roommates
What woke you up this morning? CHANSUNG ok my alarm clock is him but....chansung.
Is tomorrow going to be a good day? YEP I have no homework & I'ma be home & I'ma CHILL. OUT.
Do you like anybody? I like my husband chansung with some on the side don't tell him

Ever thrown up in public? not since I was a kid
What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW? "sitting like this hurts my butt. I'm hungry"

What kind of home would you like? small one
What do you want to be when you grow up? idk
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I'll almost be 25. no idea.

Do you like candy necklaces? duh
When was the last time you fell over or ran into something? it happens so often it's hard to say. idk
Do you still go trick or treating? No, I hand candy out
What was the last thing you ate? a panini. yesterday. T_T
What's your favorite type of soda? sprite/sierra mist
Have you ever moved? just to school
Have you ever won an award? NO AND I'M BITTER ABOUT IT
Are you listening to music right now? no
When were you the saddest in your whole life? I don't know. I'll say when I came home from LA this last time cause it was most recent & very sad.

What time is it? 12:58 PM I have an hour til class D:
Do you use ebay to buy or sell? just for school books
Ever heard a song written about you? nope! unless clara's written one for me before which is likely. my dad's name is in a song though! last name and everything! :o
Something you want to happen in 2010? idk. I'm okay.
Honestly, do you miss 2008? hahaha, some bits.

1. Honestly, what color is your underwear? pink. they say CHEEKY
2. Honestly, what's on your mind? "class is getting closer, should really do that reading"
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now? nothing
4. Honestly, have you done something bad today? no
5. Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone? ummmm my mom yesterday
6. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? probably
7. Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time? EVERYTHING EVER
8. Honestly, do you bite your nails? I can't
9. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder? nah
10. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment? nope. I'm very against seeing people lately which is unfortunate cause I'm at school
11. Honestly, are you keeping a big secret now? ummmm. no?
12. Honestly, do you have a friend you don’t actually like? no, that would be stupid
13. Honestly, what was the last text message you received? "my ex boyfriend colton" from abby
14. Honestly, are you in denial? hm. probably a little
15. Honestly, do you get up in the middle of the night? never!
16. Honestly, do you like anyone? ilu chansung ~_~
17. Honestly, does anyone like you? yes, duh.

1. What do you do when you’re mad? want to throw things but my things are too valuable so I sit there angrily looking around for something to throw & there isnt anything so I yell at everything and listen to MUCC
2. What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? talk without thinking
3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? idk
4. Do you swear when you’re mad? idk

1. When was the last time you actually cried? when I left LA in june? (or may?) I said bye to clara, malia, charlotte & clara's mama & as I was walking through security I looked back and we both started crying D: then the metal detector guy was like "HI HOW YA DOIN" and I was like "AARFGUVDFHBFG DDDDDDDD8< HDU!!!!!!!!!" then I walked through the airport crying.
then on the plane I sometimes cried but sometimes I thought of/remembered random funny stuff from the 2 weeks before and would laugh to myself so basically I looked insane.
2. Ever cried yourself to sleep? no
3. Do certain songs make you cry? no, there are songs that make me feel like crying but I'm too tough
4. What usually makes you cry? idk, random stuff usually.

1. Are you usually a happy person? I try to be, I think I am.
2. What makes you the happiest? IDK WHEN SOMETHING I LIKE HAPPENS
3. What song always makes you happy? there's not really one
4. Do you believe in yourself? most of the time
5. When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy? sometimes, sometimes I think they're yanking my chain but I know I'm not horrendous though... so idk



PS- taemin's new hair breaks my heart with how ugly it is. not gonna front. I'm waiting for it to not be badly styled though, so I won't go too far just yet, but it looks pretty serious.


meme, i'm hungry, imsobored, i'm scared

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