Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Jul 15, 2009 23:10

I watched the new Harry Potter movie tonight. It was not what I expected at all. (Except that Tom Felton is hot and so is Alan Rickman.) I can't decide how I feel about Narcissa. Daniel Radcliffe is really getting too old to play Harry - in some scenes he looks nearly 30! DX

They were so focused on adding things to make it match up with book 7 (which I feel the author completely failed at), that they changed the whole mood of the story. It went from being dark (and "creepy" according to Becky) to being a romantic comedy that just happened to have the cast of Harry Potter in it. In one particularly scene that should've been filled with angst and darkness, I kept waiting for someone to jump out and say: JUST KIDDING!! *wink, nudge, laughter ensues*

Over all, it was a cute movie. I'd like to re-read this book because I don't remember if they left things out or if the book really was a whole lot of nothing.
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