To define death you must first understand what life is. First off I feel like I should start by saying that if you want to see an online encyclopedia stumble all over itself place the simple word “life” in the search box. The most comprehensive example I found said that life is defined by organization, metabolism, growth, irritability, adaptation, and reproduction. In the Dictionary it says that death is act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism.
Biological death occurs when a patient's heartbeat and breathing have stopped. Breathing rarely continues when the heart is stopped, biological death is most known with cardiac arrest and cancer. The reversal of biological death is sometimes possible through CPR, Defibrillation, medication, and other treatments. Resuscitation after more than 4 to 6 minutes of death at normal body temperature is difficult, and can result in brain damage. Hypothermia gives you a better chance to survive biological death. Hypothermia also improves outcomes after resuscitation from biological death.
Brain death can be the result of Biological death or it can be caused by brain trauma or aneurysm. In brain death the absence of oxygenated blood, brain cells quickly die. The dead cells break down and liquefy. This is very different from a Coma because in brain death all brain cells die followed by the heart and the rest of the vital organs.
Brain death can be very hard to take if someone is faced with a loved one in this situation. Where the Doctor is saying they are “dead” and they see them breathing (assisted, or not) this situation leaves the family with a very tough decision that must be made. At the same time this is creating a possibility for a chance for other people in need of organ transplants.
In my opinion We were created in an awesome and amazing way and the path in which we pass from this world will never fully be understood or explained away. I guess this is as it should be why know completely what we can not truly prevent.