Because everytime
cairnsy posts an interesting meme, I must swipe it follow her lead - The Fanfic Writing Meme:
1. Which is your favorite fic? Wednesdays, NC-17, Weiss Kreuz, Schuldig/Yohji: When I first started posting fanfic online, it was almost always 100-word drabbles, mostly for
wk_100. I'm too undisciplined to really succeed at longer fic, but I think this one works because it captures Schuldig's self-centered, capricious and cruel nature and Yohji's slow, determined self-destructiveness.
Runner up? Something I never thought I would write. Subtlety, PG-13, Bleach, Tousen/Shuuhei(!): 2. Which is your best-received fic? Hm. I've never posted my stuff at the larger comms, and the like, so it's hard for me to judge. Probably the Naruto fics I've cross-posted to
kakairu, since comm members there are very generous in making kind comments to just about everything posted. *g* That, or the drabbles I posted at
wk_100, most from 2004 - 2006.
3. Which is your worst-received fic? This one is hard to judge as well. The last two rounds at
springkink were rough for me because of the lack of feedback. Overall, I'd say it was Elements, PG-13, Prince of Tennis, Tezuka/Fuji: Looking back on the fic now, I understand why: the whole thing is far too overdramatic and heavy-handed.
4. Which is your angsty-est fic? I really don't write angst-fic, so probably some Weiss Kreuz drabbles: 5. Which is your funniest fic? Hm. One of these drabbles, all Weiss Kreuz: 6. Smuttiest? Pick a Renji/Shuuhei story, any Renji/Shuuhei story: 7. Fluffiest? I think shopping for a bed qualifies. Why Not Sleep with the Best?, PG-13, Weiss Kreuz, Crawford/Schuldig: 8. Have you ever made someone cry with a fic? Probably, unintentionally. *g* Nah!
9. Which fic frustrates you the most? Of the ones actually posted, this one.
Instinct/Illusion, R, Bleach, Renji/Shuuhei and a second, unnamed pairing: There are parts I love, but the whole needs some restructuring and added parts.
10. Which fic was the most fun to write? Two come to mind. The first is badfic in exactly 100 words! Weiss Kreuz: The other is vicious and evil, and it's crazy how much I enjoyed writing the entire thing. Letter to Ichigo, R, Bleach: 11. Who is your favorite OC you've ever created? None. I don't think I've ever fleshed out an OC in any of my stories.
12. Are you better at oneshot or mulitpart? *laughs, cries, laughs some more* Oneshots, naturally!
13. What character do you think you're the best at portraying? Shuuhei, Renji and Aizen from Bleach and Schuldig, Ran and Yohji from Weiss Kreuz (at least, when writing serious fic).
14. What character is the most difficult to portray? Hatake Kakashi from Naruto, Omi (as opposed to Mamoru) from Weiss Kreuz, Hisoka from Yami no Matsuei and Ichimaru Gin from Bleach.