Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage - Crime Fighters!! If you like computers, or puns, or poetry, or steampunk, go and read. It's intelligent and witty, and very funny and well drawn. And amazingly, most of it is historically accurate, taken from history and their writings. Start with
Lovelace: The Origin and keep working forward. And the
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Comments 4
My wish is to have the time and money to go around the perimeter of the lower 48 on two lane roads, and just dawdle my way through.
I know what you mean about loving to keep the bills paid though. You don't have to love your job to do a good job. But you don't have to be married to it either.
I decided a good decade or so ago that I was going to work to live... not live to work. It limits my promotions but I keep a life, which I don't see those who are further up the corporate ladder having.
Fine by me. :)
If you do hear of something in my area, I'd love to hear. Personal recs go a lot further than a resume over the email transom.
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